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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

rites. Ainu there had special religious utensils for the holiday. Bear festival ended with burying the bear s bones.

So tribes of our region for a long time were under the tribal system. General orders were in a state of disintegration. There exist a class strife between rich and poor. Communication with the Russian people had brought them from a state of isolation. Russia has great influence on the fate of indigenous peoples of our region. Завдання додому: Підготувати інсценізацію легенди про Сахаліні.

Легенда для підготовки домашнього завдання: ago there was nothing but water. Wherever one turns, allover one could see ocean. The winds were driving the waves from north to south and from west to east under the highly zenith sun. Just then it was the time the mighty Titans ruled the world and the foremost of them was Magok the Great. That was him who could transform the bottom of the sea into land surrounded by the ocean. And that was him who raised beautiful flowers and trees, inhabited the forests with wildlife made them full of fragrances og grasses and decorated with jewels of berries. And Magok had a daughter, Kurila the Beauty who was the greatest love of her father. Everything what he created in the world he was willing to present his beloved daughter. Meanwhile, his wife Geda who was bursting in envy didn t want to share the husband s love between her and her stepdaughter. One day the whole family went around immense Titan s lands and Magok took with him soldier whose name was Sakhalin. When the eyes of Sakhalin and Kurila met, they realized that they was in love with each other. Kurila understood that her father will never allow her to be in love with a common soldier. And her blazing eyes were slaking. Her face expressing sorrow was a great concern of Magok. Geda had a guess about the reason and offered the sweethearts to have a secret date by the Wizard Oak. But she herself disclosed the secret to her husband. It was easy to deceive young trusting Kurila, so she gave a credit to the perfidious stepmother and had a date with Sakhalin at the same night. But the date was short. Navagathe Kuril s maid came running to warn her of the upcoming danger. There was only one way out for the sweethearts to run away from enraged Magok.was in great rage. He turned the maid into navaga fish. Pulling themselves through the Lord s rage Sakhalin and Kurila rushed to the Wizard Oak wich turned them into the fish as well to give them a chance to swim far away to the ocean and hide themselves for Magok in the ocean abyss.waves of the ocean had surged for three days and three nights. Magok was in wax. If once someone unfortunately got in his hot blood that unlucky person will be turned into the dust. Even Geda was filled with horror.length of time this story was forgotten. As well as Sakhalin and Kurila who gave birth to their daughter Keta. Three years later they decided to show sunshine to their daughter. They put the danger out of their minds and rose to the ocean surface.before anger was boiling in Magok when he saw his disobedient children. He threw the lightning into the very heart of Sakhalin. But Kurila defended his beloved. And the murderous lightning broke her body into twelve pieces.was oppressed with the grief. He spent days and nights nearby his killed sweetheart. And he still has been keeping on standing in the ocean to the present days.year Keta, their beautiful daughter arrives to visit Sakhalin and Kurila, and her body covered with silver scale glinting in the rays of the rising sun. and they say here that volcanic eruptions are considered as Kurila s tears, tears about lost love.

Приступити до розробки проектів за темою «Відкриття острова Сахалін. Перші поселенці ».

Примірний перелік назв для проектів (рекомендується надати учням самостійний вибір теми, причому не тільки із запропонованого нижче списку): of developing the islandreasons why military development has failedfirst inhabitants of the island.on the «Devil s island ».

Методичні коментарі:

Лекцію слід розділити на два заняття. Після кожного заняття лекцію потрібно розібрати і перевести з учнями. Також перед заняттям бажано роздрукувати матеріал з перекладом незнайомих слів. Лекція містить в собі загальну інформацію про корінних народностях і Сахаліні в давнину. На даному занятті може бути використаний будь-який інший матеріал, що містить в собі інформацію про розвиток Сахаліну в давнину, про звичаї і традиції корінних народностей, релігії древніх племен, їх культуру і побут.

Презентація включає в себе тези по лекції, а також ілюстрації.

Для виконання домашнього завдання учням слід розділитися на групи по 4-5 чоловік. Зміст легенди може бути перероблено учнями, можуть бути додані діалоги між героями, ...

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