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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Мета: Збільшення лексичного запасу за темою «Наш край в давнину. Корінні народності Сахаліну ».

Завдання: 1) Розібрати і обговорити лекцію за темою «Наш край в давнину. Корінні народності Сахаліну ».

) Виписати незнайомі слова.

Приблизний зміст лекції: first inhabitants of the islands lived in a tribal system. Tools, household items show that the population of our region in the past was not entirely isolated. On the Sakhalin and Kurile Islands, we find the same forms of axes, knives and harpoons as well as in other regions. Our region is rich in archaeological monuments: parking, settlements, rock art of the ancient inhabitantsthe excavation, archaeologists have gathered a rich collection of stone implements, integers, and broken vessels of clay. Largest settlements in the south of Sakhalin Island are near the village of Starodubsky, near Cape Rorey, near the villages Solovevka, the second Pad, on the outskirts of Nevelsk Bay, Krasnogorsk, Quite often at the territory of ancient settlements modern towns and cities appeared.population of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, according to legend, were Tonci. Tonci raquo ;, according to some scientists means - were people living in mud huts in the opinion of others - who know how to do pottery. Tonci were at a high level of development. Tonci haven t left any written records, and only the legends of the Ainu include very few information about this strange tribe. Ancestors of the Ainu have appeared in our area about 1000 years ago. They moved to the southern part of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands under the onslaught of Japanese

The largest group among the Sakhalin tribes are nivkhs. Nivkhs who first moved to Sakhalin established camps, which could be found until our days. Nivkhs did not know farming, the source of their existence were fishing and hunting, they had boats and domesticated dogs.the end of 21 century on the western coast of Sakhalin, there were about twenty-five Nivkh s villages. In each cottage lived a family. The head of each family was father. These families were trading with the neighboring villages and other tribes in the north of Sakhalin. the south of Sakhalin Ainu lived in large families - the descendants of the first settlers from the Japanese islands. Ainu settlements were located on the shores of lakes and rivers. So there was once a large Ainu village, Mauke-Kad in place of Kholmsk. Tribal elders stood at the head of the village. At first nivkhs had collective areas of fishing, hunting, berry land. But then there appeared more and more rich nivkhs who noticed that the separate fishing has brought more money. Rich nivkhs started to use rice, flour, sugar, tea and the poor were fed only on fish. This has caused a lot of changes in Nivkhs family traditions. At first nivkhs paid a large ransom for the bride but after this reforms there appeared a tradition to steal the. Women stopped to claim to the inheritance that it could not passed to members of a different sort. customs of the Ainu can be found much in common with Nivkh. The Ainu lived in large clans headed by elders lived. Later race begins to disintegrate in the family which was headed by father. The Ainu women have the right to attend the joint feasts. Ainu woman's upper lip was painted in black, men wore long beards and mustaches. For holding their mustache during the meal there were special sticks, so-called ikunisi .main feature of nivkhs and ainu religion was the deification of nature. Everything that surrounded them had divine origin. So nivkhs considered Sakhalin to be a living thing, a huge seal. nivkhs had two main gods: Palys - the god of the taiga and mountains, and Tolys - the god of the sea. They believed that Palys lived high on the mountain, riding on his possessions on a sledge drawn by bears. According to Nivkhs legend Palys disposes of all the animals of the taiga and sends them into the hands of hunters. God of the sea sends fish to Nivkhs. Welfare of all fishermen depends on the willingness of Tolysa. Also there were evil gods milk and coriander. They can take the form of a man and of any animal. Disease - is the result of the fact that some milk got into the human body. Death - is also the result of evil machinations of the gods. So the dead were not buried but burned.Ainu, too, worshiped nature. Every stone and flower for them was not only a living creature but god. To propitiate the gods, Ainu people were sacrificed. (they were later replaced by wooden figures.) and the Ainu had a lot of religious holidays but the bear holiday was the most solemn one. Small bear was long fattened, and then at a certain time an animal was taken in chains across the field. Only the members of the most rich family could kill the bear. The celebration lasted for several days and was accompanied by religious...

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