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. Приклад згенерованого Matlab коду
function [Energy] = hemodynamicModelSimulation () = 2;% *********** number of unknown functions *************** ** = 5;% ************* segmentation for integrating *******************
% ****************** physical parameters ********************* ***** = 1; _ = 0.05; = 0.035; = 3 * 10 ^ 6; = 10;% *********** number of segmentation ********** ************** = 0.05;% ********* time step ********************* ************** = 0;% *********** start time ******************* ***************** = 50;% *********** end time **************** ******************** = 55;% ******** number of vessels *************** **************
% ****************** vessels length ********************* ********* (1) = 4.0, (2) = 2.0;
length (54) = 32.3; (55) = 34.4;
% ****************** vessels initial area ******************** ******* (1) = 5.983, (2) = 5.147;
A0 (54) = 0.11; (55) = 0.06;
% ************* sign *************************** **************** = [1; - 1; 1; - 1; 1; 1; - 1; 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; 1; - 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; 1; 1; - 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; 1; - 1; - 1; 1; - 1; - 1];
% ****************** derived physical parameters ******************* ( 1) = 388.0; (2) = 348.0;
gamma (54) = 23232.0; (55) = 36972.0; = 8 * pi * nu;
% ****************** segmentation ********************** ********* j = 1: Nvet, (j) = length (j)/N;;
% ****************** dimension ********************** *********** _a = Nfun * Nvet;
% ****************** solution ********************** ************* = zeros ([Nfun, (N +1), Nvet]); i = 1: N +1, for j = 1: Nvet, (1, i, j ) = A0 (j);;;
% ************* time iteration ************************** ********* = round (T/tau); = zeros (Kmax); pr = 1: 4, for k = 1: Kmax, = t + tau; (k) = t;
% ************* marching *************************** ***********
% ************* left boundary condition ************************* ** j = 1: Nvet, (j) = V (1,1, j); (j) = V (2,1, j); (j) = gamma (j)/(A0 (j) * ( sqrt (An (j)) + sqrt (A0 (j)))); (j) = (rho * Qn (j))/(2 * An (j) ^ 2); (j) = gamma (j) /(sqrt (An (j)) + sqrt (A0 (j)));; = t-0.86 * fix (t/0.86); pr == 1sh <0.37 c (1) = c (1) +0.001 * (max ((-679.328 * sh ^ 2 +502.703...