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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

in the assimilation of the content. Unsuccessful use of metaphor is observed when it conjures up images that do not match the general nature of the product or are spurious, causing vague subtle images. Poems also usually have a relatively small amount, assimilated during the second reading, or even learning by heart, not only permit but even require a new kind of expression of content. In this case, the metaphor of speech acts as one of the techniques and finds much wider application. We can say that metaphor is the foundation of poetry. In poetry, metaphor, based on partial similarity of two objects gives a full statement of their full identity, but that is what gives it a poetic force that is manifested in the partial convergence of distant objects classes. So, in artistic speech and language, a metaphor for various duties, which causes specific use of different types of metaphors. p align="justify"> The Greek plays of Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides, among others, were almost invariably allegorical, showing the tragedy of the protagonists, either to caution the audience metaphorically about temptation, or to lambast famous individuals of the day by inferring similarities with the caricatures in the play [28, 36].

Even when they are not intentional, parallels can be drawn between most writing or language and other topics. In this way it can be seen that any theme in literature is a metaphor, using the story to convey information about human perception of the theme in question. br/>


is very common in English and other languages. People often think of it as being a typical feature of poetry and literature. But, in fact, many familiar words and phrases have metaphorical meanings, although we do not usually realize this when we use them.idea of ​​metaphor can be traced back to Aristotle who, in his Poetics (around 335 BC), defines metaphor as follows : Metaphor is the application of a strange term either transferred from the genus and applied to the species or from the species and applied to the genus, or from one species to another or else by analogy. Therefore, the key aspect of a metaphor is a specific transference of a word from one context into another. In this way it can be seen that any theme in literature is a metaphor, using the story to convey information about human perception of the theme in question.only one definition of metaphor cannot pe presented, as a great number of scientist study this phenomenon and each of them sees it from hie personal angle of vision. In this course paper the frequently used and well-known definitions are presented.has its types among them we can distinquish: common (dead metaphor, extended metaphor (conceit), mixed metaphor, absolute metaphor) and uncommon (absolute or paralogical metaphor (sometimes called an anti-metaphor), an active metaphor, a complex metaphor, a compound or loose metaphor, a dying metaphor, an epic metaphor or Homeric ...

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