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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

simile, an implicit metaphor, an implied or unstated metaphor, a simple or tight metaphor, a submerged metaphor and a synecdochic metaphor). terms metaphor and simile are slung around as if they meant exactly the same thing. A simile is a metaphor, but not all metaphors are similes.Metaphor is the broader term. In a literary sense metaphor is a rhetorical device that transfers the sense or aspects of one word to another. A metaphor carries so much more power than a simile, because its direct. Using like or as to make an open comparison will often diminish the vivid visual youre trying to paint in the readers mind. Likewise, a spot-on metaphor will spark instant understanding for a reader, without the elaboration that an analogy requires.These two notions are close but stll are not the same.common definition of a metaphor can be described as a comparison that shows how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in another important way. They explain how a metaphor is simply understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another. It means that a speaker can put ideas or objects into words or containers, and then send them along a channel, or conduit, to a listener who takes that idea or object out of the container and makes meaning of it. In other words, communication is something that ideas go into. The container is separate from the ideas themselves.Therefore metaphors are widely used in context to describe personal meaning. metaphorical word or phrase contains a key idea. This is the connection or similarity between the literal meaning and the metaphorical meaning. Sometimes the same key idea is expressed in several different words and phrases. Metaphor is so common that it is sometimes almost impossible to talk about particular topics in English without using words that are metaphorical.Some basic metaphorical ideas are shared by many metaphors. The most important of these is the very general idea that abstract things are described as if they are concrete, or have a physical existence. For example, in English problems and difficulties are descrideb metaphorically as if they are illnesses or knots:

Transport was another headache for the government.is a really knotty problem [29, 26]. is impotant from the point of view of enriching the utterance and making it unique and easy to picture.Despite the fact that it is quite old device, it is frequenly used in the contemporary piece of writings. br/>

List of References

1.Авелічев А.К. Нотатки про метафорі// Вісник московського університету. - 1973. - № 1. - 189 c. p> 2.Арнольд І.В. Стилістика сучасної англійської мови. - Л.: Просвещение, 1973. - 304 c. p>. Арутюнова Н.Д. Теорія метафори: Збірник. - М.: Прогрес, 1990. - 650 c. p> 4.Блек М. Метафора// Теорія метафори. - М.: Прогрес, 1990. - 172 c. p>. Брагіна А.Л. Метафора - стандарт - штамп// Вісник МГУ - 1997 - № 2. - 169 c. p> 6.Вінарская Є.М. Вира...

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