Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Інформаційна система житлового агентства

Реферат Інформаційна система житлового агентства

ter-> setStreet (street-> text ()); poster-> setHome (home-> text ()) ; poster-> setNumberFloor (floor-> value ());} bool FunctionUser :: isEmptyPosterHiring (const QLineEdit * city, const QLineEdit * area, const QLineEdit * price) {if (city-> text (). isEmpty ()) return false; if (area-> text (). isEmpty ()) return false; if (price-> text (). isEmpty ()) return false; return true;} bool FunctionUser :: isEmptyPosterRent ( const QLineEdit * city, const QLineEdit * area, const QLineEdit * street, const QLineEdit * home, const QLineEdit * price) {if (! isEmptyPosterHiring (city, area, price)) return false; if (street-> text () . isEmpty ()) return false; if (home-> text (). isEmpty ()) return false; return true;} void FunctionUser :: slotAddPosterHiring () {QDialog * window = new QDialog (this); PosterHiring * poster ; Ui :: workWindowPoster uiWindow; Ui :: posterHiring ui; uiWindow.setupUi (window); ui.setupUi (uiWindow.windowPoster); QObject :: connect (uiWindow.okButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (accept ())); QObject :: connect (uiWindow.cancelButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (reject ())); while (window-> exec ()) {if (isEmptyPosterHiring (ui.cityLineEdit, ui.areaLineEdit, ui.priceLineEdit)) {poster = new PosterHiring; readPosterHiring (poster, current-> getLogin (), ui.cityLineEdit, ui.areaLineEdit, ui.nPhoneLineEdit, ui.sRoomComboBox, ui.furtitureCheckBox, ui.animalCheckBox , ui.tenantComboBox, ui.priceLineEdit); uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget-> insertRow (uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget -> rowCount ()); addInTablePosterHiring (uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget, poster, uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget-> rowCount () - 1); current-> getPostersHiring () -> push_back (poster); break;} else QMessageBox :: information (this, tr ("clear string"), tr ("SORRY, clear string"), QMessageBox :: Ok );} delete window; viewButtonHiring (false); uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget-> selectionModel () -> clearSelection ();} void FunctionUser :: slotAddPosterRent () {QDialog * window = new QDialog (this); PosterRent * poster; Ui :: workWindowPoster uiWindow; Ui :: posterRent ui; uiWindow.setupUi (window); ui.setupUi (uiWindow.windowPoster); QObject :: connect (uiWindow.okButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (accept ( ))); QObject :: connect (uiWindow.cancelButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (reject ())); while (window-> exec ()) {if (isEmptyPosterRent (ui.cityLineEdit, ui . areaLineEdit, ui.streetLineEdit, ui.nHomeLineEdit, ui.priceLineEdit)) {poster = new PosterRent; readPosterRent (poster, current-> getLogin (), ui.cityLineEdit, ui.areaLineEdit, streetLineEdit, ui.nHomeLineEdit, ui. floorSpinBox, ui.nPhoneLineEdit, ui.sRoomComboBox, ui.furtitureCheckBox, ui.animalCheckBox, ui.tenantComboBox, ui.priceLineEdit); uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget-> insertRow (uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget-> rowCount ()); addInTablePosterRent (uiTabPostersRent. tableWidget, poster, uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget-> rowCount () - 1); current-> getPostersRe...

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