Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Інформаційна система житлового агентства

Реферат Інформаційна система житлового агентства

ButtonHiring ())); QObject :: connect (uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget, SIGNAL (cellClicked (int, int)), SLOT (slotViewButtonRent () ));} void FunctionUser :: viewButtonHiring (const bool & fl) {if (fl) {uiMyTabPostersHiring.editPosterButton-> setEnabled (true), uiMyTabPostersHiring.delPosterButton-> setEnabled (true),} else {uiMyTabPostersHiring.editPosterButton -> setEnabled (false); uiMyTabPostersHiring.delPosterButton-> setEnabled (false);}} void FunctionUser :: viewButtonRent (const bool & fl) {if (fl) {uiMyTabPostersRent.editPosterButton-> setEnabled (true); uiMyTabPostersRent.delPosterButton-> setEnabled (true);} else {uiMyTabPostersRent.editPosterButton-> setEnabled (false); uiMyTabPostersRent.delPosterButton-> setEnabled (false);}} void FunctionUser :: slotViewButtonHiring () {viewButtonHiring (true) ;} void FunctionUser :: slotViewButtonRent () {viewButtonRent (false);} void FunctionUser :: fillPosterTableHiring () {QLinkedList :: Iterator passage; passage = current-> getPostersHiring () -> begin () ; while (passage! = current-> getPostersHiring () -> end ()) {uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget-> insertRow (uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget-> rowCount ()); addInTablePosterHiring (uiTabPostersHiring.tableWidget, * passage, uiTabPostersHiring . tableWidget-> rowCount () - 1); + + passage;}} void FunctionUser :: fillPosterTableRent () {QLinkedList :: Iterator passage; passage = current-> getPostersRent () -> begin (); while (passage! = current-> getPostersRent () -> end ()) {uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget-> insertRow (uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget-> rowCount ()); addInTablePosterRent (uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget, * passage , uiTabPostersRent.tableWidget-> rowCount () - 1); + + passage;}} FunctionUser :: ~ FunctionUser () {delete windowFunctionTabPostersHiring; delete windowFunctionTabPostersRent;} void FunctionUser :: readPosterHiring (PosterHiring * poster, const QString & login , const QLineEdit * city, const QLineEdit * area, const QLineEdit * nPhone, const QComboBox * nRoom, const QCheckBox * furtiture, const QCheckBox * animal, const QComboBox * tenant, const QLineEdit * price) {poster-> setLogin (login) ; poster-> setCity (city-> text ()); poster-> setArea (area-> text ()); poster-> setNumberPhone (nPhone-> text ()); poster-> setSumRoom (nRoom-> currentText ()); poster-> setFurtiture (furtiture-> isChecked ()); poster-> setAnimal (animal-> isChecked ()); poster-> setTenant (tenant-> ; currentText ()); poster-> setPrice (price-> text (). toInt ());} void FunctionUser :: readPosterRent (PosterRent * poster, const QString & login, const QLineEdit * city, const QLineEdit * area, const QLineEdit * street, const QLineEdit * home, const QSpinBox * floor, const QLineEdit * nPhone, const QComboBox * nRoom, const QCheckBox * furtiture, const QCheckBox * animal, const QComboBox * tenant, const QLineEdit * price) {readPosterHiring ( poster, login, city, area, nPhone, nRoom, furtiture, animal, tenant, price); pos...

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