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Реферат Criminal law

observation that we must beat the iron when it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure, best explains the proper relation between work and leisure. Leisure is like a margin on a printed or written page. In the absence of work no leisure can be actually conceived. Leisure never means idleness. Leisure cannot be thought of as a non-activity. It should be seen in a broader perspective, as a fulfilling part of life and work. As J.B. Priestley has said, Any fool can be fussy and rid himself of energy all over the place, but a man has to have something in him before he can settle down to do nothing. He must have reserves to draw upon, must be able to plunge into the strange, slow river of dreams and reverie, and must be at heart a poet. Only a very few have these reserves to draw upon. Moreover, dreaming, thinking and-even meditation are. Activities, though of different kind.works hard only to have some leisure because man does not live by bread alone. So leisure may be called the spare time, free from labour and drudgery of life. It is a kind of diversion. The dictionary definition of leisure is, the state of having time at one s disposal; time which one can spend as one pleases; free or unoccupied time. A famous French scholar and sociologist has defined leisure as an activity apart from the obligations of work, family and society, to which the individual turns at will, for either relaxation, diversion or broadening of knowledge and his spontaneous social participation, the free expression of his creative capacity. Leisure is a kind of breathing space or a welcome and desirable pause in the long hours of work and labour. A labour is sweet and honorable when it is earned with the sweat of the brow.rapid and radical scientific and technological advancements have made life easy and convenient. Our life is now far more free and leisurely than it was for our forefathers. Affluence and ease have brought more leisure hours. We are relieved of much of drudgery now and have more spare hours to relieve us of fatigue. The housewife too, now has more free time as there are many labour-saving devices at her disposal. Consequently, all of us can now enjoy long hours of rest, relaxation, joy, diversion and entertainment. All work and no play would certainly make Jack a dull boy. Leisure is a kind of insurance against dullness, fatigue, boredom, tension and cares of life. After hours of work and struggle, we need some rest, relaxation, joy, respite, freshness and a kind of brief holiday.helps us in keeping our body and mind toned up, healthy and refreshed. Some time devoted to regular diversions, or hobbies, is bound to strengthen and refresh us in more than one way for better achievements in our respective fields of life. The five-day a week work culture gives us a lot of spare time to spend in recreation, rest, hobbies, simple and innocent joys of life and intellectual and artistic activities.for many, leisure may be a problem as they may not know how to use and enjoy their spare time. For them leisure may be more boring and monotonous than the daily routine occupation. Leisure is like a double-edged sword which can be either used well or misused. A person can be best judged by the way he or she uses the leisure hours. It never means frittering away the precious time in drinking, gambling or idle gossiping. It should be viewed as a golden opportunity and used I for healthy enjoyment, intellectual, spiritual, cultural an...

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