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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Гендерні Особливості АВТОРСЬКОГО мовлення на матеріалі творів "The Vampire Lestat" by Ann Rice та "The Blessing Way"

Реферат Гендерні Особливості АВТОРСЬКОГО мовлення на матеріалі творів "The Vampire Lestat" by Ann Rice та "The Blessing Way"

n="justify"> «Fuck, You ought to tell them to go to hell,» Mr. Kreutzer said, and the vehemence surprised McKee as much as the language. «Everybody imposes on you.»

«Not really,» McKee said. «Anyway, I don't mind.»

How dare you not care? Listening round corners. It s intolerable the lack of trust in this house. Life s not worth living without trust.

That s what I m ??saying. So let me go.

Look it s all right. I forgive you as he walked down the hall toward his office he did mind, at least a little. George Everett had asked him to take his classes this summer, because Everett had an offer to handle an excavation in Guatemala, and it irritated McKee now to remember how sure Everett had been that good old Bergen would do him the favor. And he minded a little being the continuing object of Mrs. Kreutzer «s pity. The cuckold needs no reminder of his horns and the reject no reminder of his failure.took the Law and Order envelope from his pocket and looked at it, neglecting his habitual glance through the hallway window at the chipping plaster on the rear of the Alumni Chapel . Instead he thought of how it had been to be twenty-seven years old in search of truth on the Navajo Reservation, still excited and innocent, still optimistic, not yet taught that he was less than a man. He couldn »t quite recapture the feeling.wasn 't until he had opened the blinds, turned on the air conditioner and registered the familiar creak of his swivel chair as he lowered his weight into it that he opened the letter.

Додаток 2

The Vampire Lestat by Ann Ricevampire nature reveals itself in extremely white and highly reflective skin that has to be powdered down for cameras of any kind.if I «m starved for blood I look like a perfect horror -- skin shrunken, veins like ropes over the contours of my bones. But I don »t let that happen now. And the only consistent indication that I am not human is my fingernails. It «s the same with all vampires. Our fingernails look like glass. And some people notice that when they don »t notice anything else.now I am what America calls a Rock Superstar. My first album has sold 4 million copies. I «m going to San Francisco for the first spot on a nationwide concert tour that will take my band from coast to coast. MTV, the rock music cable channel, has been playing my video clips night and day for two weeks. They »re also being shown in England on« Top of the Pops » and on the Continent, probably in some parts of Asia, and in Japan. Video cassettes of the whole series of clips are selling worldwide.am also the author of an autobiography which was published last week.my English - the language I use in my autobiography - I first learned it from a flatboatmen who came down the Mississippi to New Orleans about two hundred years ago. I learned more after that from the English language writers - everybody from Shakespeare through Mark Twain to H. Rider Haggard, whom I read as the decades passed. The final infusion I received from the detective stories of the early twentieth century in the Black Mask magazine. The adventures of Sam Spade by Dashiell Hammett in Black Mask were the last stories I read before I went literally and figuratively underground.was in New Orleans in 1929.I write I drift into a vocabulary that would have been natural to me in t...

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