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Реферат National holidays

ut at the modern stage this holiday does not imply any political context. It became a day of all women when love, beauty and kindness are extolled.is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox.means new day, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day, since this holiday is common for many nations.Nauryz celebrations, past offences are forgiven and forgotten and everybody makes a wish to leave all badness behind and bring renewal in the New Year.

Celebration of Nauryz the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centres, feltyurts - traditional nomad houses are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them.squares get full of yurts, and many performances take place there. Here one can learn about the culture and lifestyle of nomads and find people wearing beautiful national clothes , listen to Kazakh songs and play of musical instruments, etc. In holiday exhibitions and fairs traditional gifts and souvenirs are sold.young people gather around Altybakan, which is a large hanging swing, with colourful decorations, where songs are sung, and traditional games are played.Nauryz holiday, many famous stars give concerts in cities and the holiday is completed by fireworks.

Dishes served during Nauryz kozhe is the most important of all meals during these days and a main symbol of Nauryz, since it is prepared specially for this day. Nauryz kozhe is special for its unique recipe.Traditionally, 7 different ingredients are added to Nauryz kozhe, which may vary, but basically these ingredients include: water, meat, salt, milk or yoghurt, one type of grains, chosen from rice, corn or wheat, and others. Seven ingredients symbolize seven virtues or qualities, such as joy, success, intelligence, health, wealth, agility and security.the celebration of Nauryz, the kozhe is offered to all guests in any city or village of Kazakhstan. Besides, other traditional Kazakh meals , such as beshbarmak, kuyrdak, baursak, and many types of meals made from milk (youghurt, kurt, cream, butter, cheese, etc) are also offered.

Interesitng facts :

Between 1926-1988, Nauryz holiday was not officially celebrated in Kazakhstan (Kazakh Soviet Socialistic Republic those days) 2009 - 3 days of Nauryz holiday, starting 21th of March, were officially announced bank holidays in Kazakhstan. 30, 2009 - Nauryz was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO; since then, 21 of March is announced International Day of Nowruz (Nauryz).

Unity Day

Kazakhstan is a multinational country, home for 150 nations and nationalities. To unite all these nationalities the country s government hold different events one of which is the celebration of Day of Unity. The official day of this holiday is 1 May. This day was celebrated as a holiday of workers solidarity in the Soviet time. Today this is a holiday of unity of all peoples who live in the territory of Kazakhstan. This bright spring holiday is held in every city of Kazakhstan with parades and processions along the central streets of the cities and also with entertaining events.of different cultural centers which familiarize the people of Kazakhstan with the traditions of other nationalities is of great importance. Merry dances, sports competitions - all these make the event one of the brightest and most favorable holidays for the people of Kazakhstan.only cultural centers but also company staffs, university students and representatives of different social organizations take part in the holiday. The main parade is usually organized along the central avenue of the capital - Bukhar Zhirau. The number of the people participating in parade sometimes reaches 25,000 people.the brightest moment of the holiday is an ethno-cultural exhibition. Different national dwellings of the representatives of all nations who live in Kazakhstan are installed in front of the Central Park of the city. These are peculiar mini-museums where you can see national clothes, traditional tableware, jewelry, but what is more important you can taste dishes of different national cuisine there.addition, this day the museums and libraries of Kazakhstan organize exhibitions dedicated to the holiday and peoples who live in Kazakhstan. This holiday does not only familiarize with traditions and culture of the nationalities that live in the country s territory but also it aims to consolidate people of all nations, living in Kazakhstan.

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