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Реферат Holidays of Russia

twenty till January, sixth the Christmas post and which to meet New year on Julian sky style more conveniently not to break instructions of the Christmas post.


Since 1991 as the state holiday the Christmas marked in Russia on seventh of January has been restored. The announcement of an orthodox religious holiday a day off in such multinational country as Russia has demanded the flexible mechanism of the account of national and religious traditions of all people. Every time when we step over a threshold of New Year, on a shower it becomes especially warm, because in some days there will come the Christmas Holiday! A Christmas - surprising time when heart is filled with miracle expectation ... And this miracle occurs! В«The Christ is born, glorify! В» - Rushes over the Universe, - В«the Christ from heavens, meet! В»- All world sings of glory of the Creator. Angelic forces and mankind - together glorify what love has no borders. And, probably, therefore a Christmas name В«Winter Easter В». Each of us tries to spend this day not how any another: to present good and love to the loved one, to become better, and the most important thing - Is closer to God. On January, 6th at 12 o'clock in the morning solemn divine service in orthodox temples begins. And on January, 7th it is accepted to congratulate friends and native on this light holiday. Unlike Europeans who aspire to note Christmas in the bosom of the family, and even doors close, in Russia it is accepted to hold doors opened that all who wishes to celebrate Christmas came, to share celebratory pleasure. Christmas eve has received the name "Christmas Eve", and a word it occurs from the ritual food tasted this day - сочива, porridges from red wheat or barley, a rye, гречки, mixed with honey and with almond and маковим juice.

The food in Christmas Eve could not be accepted to the first star, in memory of the Bethlehem star, announced to magicians about Christmas of the Savior. And with approach of twilight when the first star lighted up, sat down a table and shared облатками, wishing each other all kind and light.

Christmas - a holiday when all family together gathers behind the big table. The table prepared the plentiful. Pancakes, fish dishes, aspic, холодець from pork and beef legs. A fragrant dairy pig with a stuffing from porridge, a pork head with a horse-radish, pork sausage house, roast, honey spice-cakes, суботні and, of course, a fried goose.

Christmas-tide begins with Christmas - continuous holidays which last before Kreshchensky Christmas Eve and are accompanied by walks, visiting native and friends, masquerades. In olden time it was accepted колядувати.

The sparrow flies, by a tail twirls. And you, people, know tables dim.

Visitors accept,

Christmas meet!

On the Christmas-tide in Russia it was from time immemorial accepted рядитися, to arrange cheerful games, to go on houses, to awake sleeping, to congratulate all passers on sun turn for the summer, and later, after Christianity acceptance, with Christmas, to joke, sing songs. Came to an end колядки with a general fun, driving from hills, the general feast.

Svjatochnye guessing is various and numerous. Girls, sometimes under the direction of the senior women were engaged in them. Whether and interested them they, first of all, will marry next year or remain in girls will be rich or poor, in general, will be live or will die. Therefore very many guessing связанни with searches of the promised.

After Celebrating of New year, the Christmas will come to Russia. Remains to very few times to meet a holiday according to Russian traditions, cheerfully and hospitably.

Christening of Gospodne (Sacred Epiphany)

On January, 19th Russians celebrate Kreshchenie Gospodne. In memory that this day Jesus Christ has accepted a christening in the river Jordan, in orthodox temples water which parishioners store then the whole year is consecrated. From temples to cross-shaped ice-holes pass religious processions. Believers plunge into ice-holes, symbolizing it a christening ceremony. Besides, it is considered that bathing for the Christening helps to recover from various illnesses. An Epiphany - one of twelve basic (great) orthodox holidays.

Day of students (Tatjanin day)

On twenty fifth of January Russians celebrate Day of the student or Tatiana day. The decree empress Elizabeth Petrovnoj January, twelfth, 1755 on Tatiana day has signed the decree В«About establishment of the Moscow university В». Since then on twelfth of January students celebrate the holiday - Day of students and sacred Tatyana became the patroness of all students. In the nineteenth century since January, twelfth a student's vacation began. This day it was accepted to arrange celebrations on which awards u...

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