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Реферат Holidays of Russia

nder solemn speeches were distributed. Then it is day named not Tatiana day, and В«Day of the basis of the Moscow University В». Celebrated Day of the student in the beginning only in Moscow. passed very magnificently and consisted of two parts. At first there was an official part, and then the holiday passed to streets in which all inhabitants of capital took participation. Nicolay's decree of the first had been signed the certificate about university establishment, instead of its opening. Thanks to its students had a holiday - Day of the student. Day of the student - celebrate and now. It put modern youth celebrates also it is noisy and it is cheerful, as hundred years ago. The poor student never will miss the chance to shirk study, but according to popular wisdom, from its infinite celebration distracts only time.

Day sacred Valentine (Valentine day)

Love! When both sad and funny. p> Love! When do not like, anyway. p> Love! Although not the favorite name. p> Love! Love thy will understand. p> Love! His heart command. p> Love! His love of expensive. p> Love! When the terms of good and evil. p> Love! And should not it be otherwise! p> On fourteenth of February - an especial holiday. It is known as Valentine's Day - a holiday of all enamored. It is one of few foreign holidays whom it is successful at us has got accustomed and every year becomes more and more mass. It is possible to consider it joint - both men, and female. It can celebrate at any age, after all the love does not have borders. Loving couples mark this romantic holiday all over the world. As it is known, the name to this holiday was given by simple Christian priest Valentine who secretly crowned enamored legionaries, for what has been executed.

As the Christian martyr priest Valentine for the belief has been canonized by church. In 496 year on fourteenth of February by the Pope has been declared in the Afternoon of sacred Valentine. In Russia and the CIS countries Day of sacred Valentine is marked from the beginning of the ninetieth years of the twentieth century.

On February, 23rd Day of the defender of fatherland

On twenty third of February in Russia it is accepted to congratulate men on Day of the defender of Fatherland (the holiday was marked for the first time at the time of Soviet Union and it is marked now in Russia, in Ukraine, in Belarus and Dnestr region). This day we pay a tribute of respect and thanks to those who courageously protected the native earth from aggressors, and also that who in a peace time draws hard and responsible duty. Informally the holiday is considered day of men which accept congratulations since February, twenty third not only from an opposite sex, but also from friends and colleagues. For the first time the holiday was marked in 1922 and В«Day of Red armyВ» was called. With 1946 on 1993 it was called В«Day of the Soviet Army and Navy fleet В». For today on twenty third of February according to the Federal law of the Russian Federation В«About days of military glory (Victorious days) Russia В»(1995) is called as Day of the defender of Fatherland. In 2002 the State Duma of the Russian Federation has made decision to make on twenty third of February the day off.

Pancake week

Pancake week - one of the most joyful and light holidays. The whole week the people see off the bothered winter, bake pancakes and visit. A pancake week for us, as a carnival for Italians. As in a translation from Italian "carnival" is meant В«by beef, farewell! В». And the pancake week previous the Lent, long since was called as "Mjasopustom" as this week it was forbidden to eat meat. Some historians consider that in the ancient time the Pancake week was пов'язана with day of a spring solstice, but with acceptance of Christianity it began to anticipate the Lent and to depend on its terms. On every day buttered week there were certain ceremonies. On Monday - the Pancake week meeting, on Tuesday - folk tunes. On the gourmand that is on Wednesday of buttered week the mother-in-law invited to pancakes of sons-in-law with wives. Especially this custom was observed concerning young, recently got married. For certain from here expression В«to the mother-in-law on pancakes В»also has gone. On wide Thursday there were the most crowded санні driving. On Friday - mother-in-law's вечірки - sons-in-law called the mother-in-law on an entertainment. Saturday was taken away зовичні to a sit-round gathering. Sunday was called В«прощеним in the afternoonВ». This day all visited relatives, friends and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and were sorry each other if have offended words or acts.

Women's day 8 Mar з h

On eighth of March - "the International women's day ", a holiday of spring and attention to the woman....

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