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Реферат What is love

nsistently define, even compared to other emotional states.in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.word love can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. Often, other languages ??use multiple words to express some of the different concepts that English relies mainly on love to encapsulate; one example is the plurality of Greek words for love. Cultural differences in conceptualizing love thus make it doubly difficult to establish any universal definition.

Although the nature or essence of love is a subject of frequent debate, different aspects of the word can be clarified by determining what isn t love. As a general expression of positive sentiment (a stronger form of like ), love is commonly contrasted with hate (or neutral apathy); as a less sexual and more emotionally intimate form of romantic attachment, love is commonly contrasted with lust; and as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted with friendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships.is one of human emotions, the scientific study of which was devoted to a set of works: from Stendhal and its crystallization of love and ending with modern by studies of hormonal components of the experience of love. studies conducted by psychologists, philosophers and religious leaders worldwide, have shown that, despite various forms of love, every kind of love in their own creative, and it is love that rules the world, most clearly manifested in the works - poetry, music, literature, painting and sculpture. Love necessarily implies the compatibility of individuals. Very often it is the compatibility is the deciding factor in love - can be absolute unanimity of views and a large community of interests, combined with an attraction to each other, but if there is no compatibility, then love is doomed. Of course, when it comes to passing or short-term relationship, the aspect of compatibility is not so important. But if we consider the special relationship in the future, the compatibility is the key to success in long-term romantic relationships. Nobody is perfect, but we must learn to understand and feel each other, and psychological and physical compatibility of individuals helps to build relationships. All loving and passionate people are dependent on a combination and interaction of four hormones: dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and estrogen. That is, for each model the behavior meets one or another hormone.history, philosophy and religion have done the most speculation on the phenomenon of love. In the last century, the science of psychology has written a great deal on the subject. In recent years, the sciences of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, neuroscience, and biology have added to the understanding of the nature and function of love.on context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But love is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy. the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it. portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars. Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown w...

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