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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » The impact of unhealthy lifestyles on a child's behavior in school

Реферат The impact of unhealthy lifestyles on a child's behavior in school

swer for all questions is «the right food at the right time eaten in the right situation with the right people changes our state of well-being» .it was really important for the author to find the article («How ??Foods Affect Mental And Emotional Health»), because in this article the author everything about the effects of unhealthy food and about the classification of foods. The foods is classified into 3 types: pure foods, stimulating foods and impure or rotten foods. And foods affect our mental and emotional state in two ways: 1) they either furnish or deplete vital nutrients upon which our mental and emotional health depend, and 2) they either do or dont produce toxic by-products, in the body which poison the brain and contribute to emotional problems.article, that the author liked the most of all is the article (Russell). Very weighty material the author found in this article, because children usually like chocolate, but the author thinks they dont really understand how beneficial it for them and also how harmful it is at the same time. At the beginning of the research paper the author said that her objective is also to suggest how to improve the situation with pupils behavior and this article is a real helper in that case, because chocolate increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates moods, creating a good feeling, if you eat it in normal amounts. But also chocolate is the worst thing, because it is reported to cause headache, obesity, rectal itching, hear burn and emotional problems like irritability, confusion, anger and depression, if you eat it extremely much.article (Paton, 2006) is the article, which confirmed the authors hypothesis about the influence of lack of sleep, unhealthy food habits and the lack of physical exercise on the pupils behavior. As to the lack of sleep, so Graeme Patons article states, that during sleep many of the bodys major organ and regulatory systems continue to work actively, some parts of the brain increase their activity dramatically, and the body produces more of certain hormones.

(Wikipedia, 2013) article (Wikipedia, 2013) tells an essential information about serotonin, that plays an important role in learning and memory, particularly in the acquisition and retrieval of short term memories. It has been found that at least thirty minutes of daily aerobic activity such as running, biking or walking is needed to elevate serotonin synthesis in the brain. Weight lifting and stretching exercises have not been associated with increased serotonin levels. Also serotonin is the primary neurotransmitter involved in depression. It is proved, that depressed people have lower levels of serotonin than nondepressed people. And antidepressant medications are often prescribed in an attempt to elevate serotonin activity. Physical activity has been proposed as a possible remedy for depression due to its ability to increase levels of brain serotonin. In this way, exercise may help prevent memory impairment through combating depression with heightened serotonin levels.


2.1 Survey

The survey for students of 7th and 8th forms of L ?? nemere gymnasium was carried out during the period 01/04/2013-01/05/2013.were asked some questions about their lifestyle, nutrition and atmosphere at school.

55 people were questioned in total (Female - 22; Male - 32):

. Choose from this list of junk food some products, that you prefer to eat or drink.list of junk food: Snack foods, gums, candies, sweet desserts, chocolate, fried fast food, sugary beverages

. How often do you eat or drink them?

. What time do you go to bed?

. What time do you get up in the morning on weekdays?

. Do you usually do morning exercises?

. Do you usually go to Physical Education lessons?

. Do you go in for sport?

. Do teachers complain about you behavior?

. If teachers complain about your behavior what do the complain about?

. Choose from this list of the feelings some, that you sometimes feel.list of feeling: Aggression, hyperactivity, fatigue, anxiety, inattention, tension

. How often do you have such feeling?

. Do you often want to sleep at the lesson?

. Do you sometimes want to chat or shout at the lesson?

. How often do you want to fight at school?

. Do you often worry about something?

. Do you like to play computer games?

. What do you usually do after finishing your homework i...

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