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Реферат Children are influenced by American TV cartoons

ign="justify"> are famous people with a great treasure and magic power. Furthermore, children infer such characters as the most interesting heroes in the cartoon animation. As an example of negative impacts from sinister characters, we should consider the story about one young man, who killed 12 people on premiere of a movie Batman and named such bloody action as a revenge of Joker . Namely, Joker is a villain of a TV cartoon Batman , who was arrested by a positive hero. Consequently, that young man was influenced by TV cartoon for many years and he imitated his favorite character by a murder. (Johnson, 2012). Moreover, there are a lot of TV cartoons, where American children mock the weak, well-fed people for having fun. Hence, the number of violence and domination over weak children increased, because examples from TV allow other children to imitate them. (Brocato, 2010). Also, children convene characters, who are mindless with unwanted behavior. Such characters cause the laugh and fun from children. Therefore, young viewers get the desire to imitate mindless characters like Patrick from SpongeBob SquarPants in order to attract other children and have a reputation of a funny person. For instance, Patrick is a silly and lazy character, who forgets about everything in a second and lies in the chair, watching TV programs for all the time. Surely, children would copy such behavior. the other hand, some American TV cartoons are cognitive for children by their bright colors for imagination and logical plots for mind activity. The US cotton industry is trying not to forget about the youngest customers in order to have demand in every age bracket. For instance, Nickelodeon studio, which is based on commercial TV cartoons, release several television animations for children age from several months to 4 years as Dora the Explorer , Go, Diego! and Bubble Guppies . Such cartoons absolutely have neither hint nor suggestion of violence. The main idea of ​​these television cartoons is the first steps in the progress of a child s development. There are several benefits like learning numbers and letters from basic steps, improving language skills, working on attention and memory, teaching new songs, and moreover, light physical charge. The cartoons, which were mentioned before, have a high quality of animation by utilizing new technologies as adding computer graphics. The bright colors, beautiful main characters and lovely view of nature may trigger children to be more creative and observant. Nickelodeon studio made the first adventure cognitive multiplication Dora the Explorer , which plot has logical puzzles and missions. For instance, little girl Dora wants to find a rare plant in the forest and she asks a young viewer to help her. Dora s friends give hints how to achieve her aims and the child, who is a direct participant, helps Dora with obvious tasks as a member of an adventure. Children are intrigued in adventures that contain brainstorming assignments and it stimulates children to train their minds.American cartoon industry has an empirical history, the emersion of commercial TV cartoons changed the good old cartoons with exemplary plots on the new meaningless animations. Unfortunately children of the modern generation could be influenced by negative characters, who are the causes of aggressive and strange behavior. Despite some cognitive educational TV cartoons, the number of undesirable cartoons are still increasing. Reasons against American television cartoons, which are demonstrated above, could help some children to be not influenced by such animations.


, B. (1984). With 18.3 violent acts per hour, disney cartoons. The wall street journal, Eastern edition. p> Brocato, E., Gentile, D.A., Laczniak, R.N. (Ed.). (2010). Television commercial violence: Potential effects on children. Retrieved from M. A. (2012). The theater massacre suspect appears in Colorado courtroom. NBC News. Retrieved from M. K. (2007). Learning from Walt Disney: Automotive design & production. Cincinnati, U.S.: Gardner publications,, B. F. (Ed.). (1996). Mass Media Effects on Violent Behavior. Retrieved from br/>

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