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Реферат Marketing Research Project for a Russian Company

e per head as a variable for market segmentation.

We will use income per head because the price is the most decisive factor in making purchase decision and because the demand for pastas is elastic [1].

We will not use any other variables to make our segmenting be:

В· Measurable: The size, purchasing power, and characteristics of the segments can be measured.

В· Substantial: The segments are large and profitable enough to serve. A segment should be the largest possible homogeneous group worth going after with a tailored marketing program. p> В· Differentiable: The segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to different marketing-mix elements and programs.

Marketing research (3) .

Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.

The marketing research process usually includes several steps:

1. Define the problem and research objectives.

2. Develop the research plan.

3. Collect the information.

4. Analyze the information.

5. Present the findings.

Data sources. All data sources can be divided into two large groups: primary data and secondary data.

Primary data are gathered for a specific purpose or a specific research project.The primary data are collected by the researcher and had not been collected before or is outdated, inaccurate, incomplete, or unreliable. p> Primary data can be collected in four ways:

1. Observation. p> 2. Focus groups. p> 3. Survey. p> 4. Experiments. p> Secondary data are data that were collected for another purpose and already exists somewhere.

The sources of secondary data are:

1. Internal sources. p> 2. Government publications.

3. Periodicals and books.

4. Commercial data. p> There are following contact methods:

1. Mail questionnaire.

2. Telephone interviewing.

3. Personal interviewing

3.1. Arranged interviews.

3.2. Intercept interview.

In our case we will have to collect primary data because secondary data on the subject is incomplete and outdated.

We will use the survey research because it will be able to give us more reliable, precise data apropos the questions that are of interest for us. They will be discussed below. p> We will use personal intercept interviewing as a contact method.


After last financial crisis in Russia the business environment had changed dramatically. Companies have to adopt to new conditions. Manufacturing companies have a chance to push their foreign competitors out of the Russian market because ruble have devolved. p> In this paper I will describe how I helped a pasta manufacturing company to make an investment decision apropos reasonability of investing in a new packaging line using a marketing research.

The following tasks were to do to accomplish this goal:

1. Analyze the problem of the company.
To do this it was necessary to do the following in advance:

1.1. Study the history of the company. p> 1.2. Study the reasons of its choice of industry. p> 1.3. Study the present position in the market of pastas. p> 1.4. Understand and formulate the problem of the company. p> 2. Carry out a marketing research to give the necessary information to the management of the company.
I had to make the following steps to do it:

2.1. Formulate the problem the research is to solve and the research objectives.

2.2. Develop the research plan. p> 2.3. Collect data. p> 2.4. Analyze data. p> 2.5. Make conclusions apropos the state of the market and reasonability of investing.

В  The corporation. The history of the company.

The LBS Corporation started operations in September 1992. It was started-up by three young men who had enough risk-taking propensity to make a decision to start-up in the Russia of 1992. One of them had a formal economic education, though a kind of a Soviet one but nevertheless economic, another one was a kind of a lawyer, and the third one was just a friend with no formal education useful in business administration (he had a higher education though). Their cooperation had began before they started-up the firm-they earned the capital necessary to start-up together. The idea belonged to the third man who had some connections in Germany. Some people he new there had a used car shop. So the information about prices of used cars in Germany was available for them. They borrowed some money and invested some of their own savings to drive several used cars from Germany. During their later trips they hired several people (in Russia) to help them drive cars. After they had made several trips to Germany they possessed about ...

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