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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

game situations are an effective means of training and education, as the rest of the traditional construction of the lesson and the introduction of the game story attracted the attention of the entire class. The content of the game - it's always a number of learning tasks. In the game pupils get into a situation that allows them to critically assess their knowledge in an active step, cause this knowledge into the system.important conclusions I came not once, but in the process of accumulation of knowledge and experience with younger students. The urgency of this problem is caused by the need for improving methods of psycho-pedagogical influence on the emerging personality of the child to develop self-sufficiency of children, intelligent, communicative and creative abilities. p align="justify"> I will single out three aspects of relevance.

The social aspect.

Under the conditions of modern life, most parents can not provide free time to communicate with children and their development (working late, at the best time to check homework.) Educational and cultural level of the parents is low (higher education in 21% of parents of students). Hence we see that parents, in most cases, unable to develop the thinking of their children. p align="justify"> The scientific aspect.

In today's school observed intensification of the educational process, the complexity of programs designed for the use of logical reasoning and creative abilities of pupils of primary school.

The practical aspect.

The game helps to develop visual, auditory perception system of the students. Make the lesson interesting and accessible, helping to increase the activity of children to learn skills and improve the quality of education.game - especially the organized activities requiring mental and emotional stress forces. The game always involves making a decision - what to do, what to say, how to win? The desire to resolve these issues aggravates the mental activity of the players. And if the child is at the same time to speak a foreign language? Do not lurk there a rich learning opportunities? Children, however, do not think about it. For them, the game is first of all - fun. Therefore, in our view, the goal of the game forms of learning - not only the formation of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills, but also the development of interest in the target language. p align="justify"> Games contribute to the implementation of important methodological problems:

The creation of the psychological readiness of children to the speech communication; a natural need for frequent repetition of linguistic material; students in choosing the right version of the speech, which is preparing for the situational spontaneity of speech at all.

The purpose of this paper...

Назад | сторінка 2 з 17 | Наступна сторінка

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