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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

- to analyze the possibility of using gaming techniques as a means to enhance the cognitive activity of adolescent English language lessons .

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

A. To study the literature on the issue of the use of gaming techniques as a means of stimulating cognitive activity in adolescent English language lessons .. To analyze the different approaches to the classification of gaming techniques .. Highlight features of the use of gaming techniques in teaching young people English. p align="justify"> Object : The Game methods of teaching English.

Subject: The use of gaming techniques as a means of stimulating cognitive activity in adolescent English language lessons.

The objectives and functions of education.the essence of the learning process involves the definition of its functions.

The learning process is designed to carry out educational, educational and developmental functions.of these functions, the learning process carried out conventionally, as the distinction between the processes of education, training and personal development are relative, and some aspects are common. Conditional release of these functions is necessary in practice for teacher training and goal-setting process, the diagnosis of the results.educational function of the learning process involves the assimilation of the individual scientific knowledge, the formation of ad hoc and obscheuchebnyh skills.function of the learning process is to create a system of values ​​?? and emotional relationship of personality to the world and the totality of its qualities.function of the learning process determines the development of general and special abilities of the individual and mental processes.features of the learning process be regarded as unacceptable in isolation performed. They are complexly interwoven cause and effect relationships, when one of the functions is a consequence of the other, while the cause of the third. Thus, the discipline of education, social activity creates the conditions for effective learning. A study, in turn, helps educate those qualities.

The main aims of education is considered to be:

creation of favorable conditions for the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual all-round development of their skills, ensuring students receive a strong knowledge and principles of science and the ability to replenish their own ; universal education to the level corresponding to the rapid development of science and makes it possible to adapt to the modern world; the idea of ​​?? <...

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