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Реферат Teaching reading at an advanced level

at this level is to assist in that attempt to automatized language and in that delicate interplay between focal and peripheral attention to selected aspects of language. Reading and writing skills similarly progress closer and closer to native speaker competence as students learn more about such things as critical reading, the role of schemata in interpreting written texts, writing a documents. Everything from academic prose to literature and idiomatic conversation becomes a legitimate resource for the classroom. Virtually no authentic language material ought to be summarily disqualified at this stage. Certain restrictions may come to bear, depending on how advanced the class is. At this level most if not all of students are fluent in that they have passed beyond that breakthrough stage where they are not more long thinking about every word or structure they are producing or comprehending.

The topicality of this course paper is that reading is one of the most important and effective means of receiving information. It is closely connected with the other skills - listening, writing and speaking. We should stimulate the developing of these skills. p align="justify"> The object of the course paper is the process of teaching reading to advanced learners, the discussion of some strategies, examples, and resources aimed at promoting students to take a deep approach to reading.

The subject of the course paper is teaching reading considering the proper stages of reading and the activities which must be done in order to make the learners comprehend the information in the most productive way. Much attention should be paid to the testing reading that will help us to measure their progress in reading. p align="justify"> The aim of the course paper involves the elaborating of the methods of teaching reading to advaned learners and presenting different techniques and activities in order to help them to comprehend the reading better.

The tasks of the course paper are the following:

- to elaborate different strategies of reading according to the purpose of reading a text;

- to enlighten the stages of reading and show the exercises which can be used at each stage;

- to work out the tests which will measure reading skill of the learners;

to encourage learners desire to read more.

1. The importance of teaching reading

reading teaching advanced

Reading is the basic foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. Many believe that reading is an apt measure of a person...

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