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Реферат Teaching business communication skills

f communication. Effectiveness is a stylistic feature of communication. As with fluency there are no absolute rules of effectiveness, the elements of effective communication are not susceptible to scientific measurement. So these three objectives - accuracy, fluency and effectiveness - require different knowledge and skills. It is important to decide which one the training course shall concentrate on. p align="justify"> Major elements of Business English

Corresponding with learner objectives: accuracy, fluency and effectiveness, there are two major elements as the building blocks for Business English course which aim to increase: language knowledge (reflecting the formal aspects of grammar, vocabulary and the sound system) and communication skills (presentations, meetings, negotiations, telephoning, written documentation). [] Knowledge as it was mentioned reflects the formal aspect of

ТЗ grammar

ТЗ vocabulary

ТЗ pronunciation.about grammar N. Brieger stated that there are any language categories specific to Business English. Business English can utilize all the language forms which exist in General English. Similarly there are no new categories which have been created for Business English. The only feature is that certain grammatical forms are more prevalent or less prevalent in Business English. [Brieger] In analyzing the grammatical forms of a Business English much attention has been paid to phrases, clauses and sentences, namely connection and transition between ideas, sentences and clauses. [Brieger] Since Business English is based on the learners communication skills Brieger accentuated that each of us has our own individual features in speech and writing which identify the using of particular grammatical form. However, except in very restricted discourse (instructions) or specialist discourse (contracts, business letters) where the language categories will include the familiar usage of nouns, verb, articles, fixed phrases and expressions. But nevertheless Business Grammar does not differ from the grammar of General English. In this respect, the grammar of Business English needs to cover all the core grammatical areas of General English.second aspect of Business English is vocabulary that represents the main building blocks of functional meaning in language. Since Business English covers areas and topics not commonly used by general speakers, it has its own specialist vocabulary. In Business English, vocabulary is central to communication where clearly defined topics are under consideration. The range of vocabulary depends on the professional issues and topics you are dealing with. Today s p...

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