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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Communication in teaching English

Реферат Communication in teaching English



1. Theoretical basis of the communicative language teaching

1.1 Background of the communicative language teaching

1.2 Principles and features of the communicative approach

1.3 Communicative competence as a goal of the FLT

1.4 Methodological aspects of teaching communication

2. Typology of communicative language activities

2.1 Types of communicative activities and their arrangement

2.2 Techniques of communicative teaching

3. Approbation of technology in teaching communication



Appendix A

Appendix B


Nowadays the English language has got status of a global language due to globalization and general computerization. Modern English language teaching aims to lingual and social adaptation of pupils to contemporary life. A modern experience professional should possess skills of expression of the thoughts in English, i. e. he should possess communicative competence which includes speech, language and cultural levels. Language learning, in turn, requires motivation. Getting motivation is possible only due to transformation of each pupil from the passive contemplator into the active and creative participant of learning process, i. e. pupils should be involved into communication.aspect is reflected in the State Program of Educational Development in 2011-2020: there is a task of formation of intellectual, physically and spiritually mature citizen who would be able to integrate in competitive environment [1; 3].

The pedagogical science is developing and leading to increase new teaching methods and technologies. One of them is teaching through communication, i. e. collaborative teaching, or teaching in intercourse, or communicative teaching.

It will help to engage pupils to social communication in conditions of multilingual environment [2; 9].

During the communicative teaching pupils possess the active life position, creative abilities, language skills, their own opinion, responsibility, the logic communications promoting understanding of laws and world outlook ideas, etc.

There is no doubt, that in learning a second language it is necessary for students to acquire, in addition to phonological and vocabulary-grammatical knowledge, ways to communicate with others using their target language.

Practical teaching of a foreign language possesses a number of communication techniques which provide self-determination and self-realization of the pupil as the language person in the course of learning and developing language skills.

communication teaching english language

The educational system of Kazakhstan has changed dramatically within a few last years. Especially the modifications are related to the content and functions of foreign language teaching and learning caused by changes in policy, economy and society. The growth of professional requirements to foreign language knowledge has been observed under the conditions of the fast developing intercultural integration and international policy held by Kazakhstan. All these conditions led to the modernization and intensification of of motivation of three languages ??policy as a new direction in the state policy of education [3] .the" Conception of Foreign Language Education till +2015 it is stated that the necessity of Foreign language teaching and learning has been realized together with its development and intensification within the system of educational organizations [4].

The novelty of our diploma work is defined by necessity of transition to the modern model of formation communicative pupils skills and high potential of the teaching.

The problem is in fact that teaching communication has its difficulties in successful teaching and should be thoroughly prepared and designed.

The object of investigation: the process of the English language teaching and learning.

The subject is the methodological process of teaching communication in English.

The hypothesis : if we teach communication and develop communicative competence it will contribute to rising teaching effectiveness.

The goal of the diploma work: to consider effective ways in formation of communicative competence in the process of English teaching and learning.following

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