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Реферат The culture of public speaking

clarifying the essence of culture and public performance of its basic research aspects.summary: the main stages of preparation to the speaker's public speaking; and analyze the principles of public speaking; the features of the speech itself.main part

. Preparing for the speechprepare for specific performance should take the following steps:

) determine the subject and its title;

) formulate a goal;

) to find material;

) explore and understand the selected literature;

) record the reading.for the speech begins with identifying and clarifying issues. Any topic is part of a larger problem and is one of its parts. It is important to realize this and strive to understand speech in one immense.should be guided by choosing a topic?, You must be knowledgeable in the topic, have some experience., What are you going to say, should be of interest to the audience., the theme of the speech must be relevant, significant.of the speech must meet the following requirements :) reflect its substance, ie, in concise form to reflect the main idea of ​​the speech ;) be promotional in nature: to be interesting, to attract attention, touching the interests of those for whom intended, excite the imagination ;) be clear, clear, concise as possible.your performance was productive, Set a three questions :) whom should I speak?) Why? For what purpose?) That students must learn? p align="justify"> «V. Mayakovsky, speaking at one of the Assembly in 1929 said that all disputes with enemies and friends that important - «How do?» Or «What?» Overlapping literary slogan «What to do?», I set primate (Latin - first, seniority ) purpose of the content and form.the speaker does not think the appointment of the speech, he will not be successful in training and its delivery [4, sec. 23]. On various factors objective can be defined as:

To inform;



Persuade, convince;

Call to action;

Inspire. p align="justify"> В«Psychologist V. Sakharov called such action as help develop skills for selection of literature:

. Remembering earlier readings on the topic of the speech. p align="justify">. View personal library or directory. p align="justify">. Browse catalogs in the library

. Viewing in recent issues of the journal list published in the last year of articles. p align="justify">. View bibliographic editions (chronicles, books, magazines, etc.) p align="justify">. Viewing listings [4, p. 25]. important stage of preparing the speech public speaking - study of selected literature. speakers to choose from a literature that could be used in a speech, that is, read the relevant sections and make the required...

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