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Реферат Influences that affect the business environment of Hydrolife Bottlers Company in Uzbekistan

ust take into account this factor for realizing their work. But Hydrolife Company just imported technical equipment from Germany and Italy. And in their production company use local materials and workers and that s why the exchange rate doesn t have inflation on the income of the company.rate hasn ta big influent on demand of Hydrolife Company. Because of increasing of interest rate in banks customers need to pay more to banks and have less money for buying something. But Hydrolife Company produces the products of the first necessity and that s why interest rate has big impact on company s production.

Effect of Socio-cultural Environment

each society there are many social and cultural threats, which connected with specific cultural heritage. They influence on the demand of the different production and Uzbekistan isn t exception.of the main social threats, which presents at all countries of the world is gossips. On the territory of Uzbekistan it is very important to keep relationship between relatives and friends strong. That s why the negative gossips spread very fast among relatives and friends, colleges and acquaintances. If somebody of familiar people would say something bad about production of Hydrolife Company, it is possible that the informed person would change its choice and buy the production of competitors. Unfortunately sometimes competitors make negative gossips about other companies by themselves.big social threat to producer s companies is Mass Media. The opinion of independent experts of TV programs and article of journal can influence on peoples choice.cultural threat to producers of drinking water in Uzbekistan is using of tap water in the houses. Tap water in our country is from Charvak reservoir storage and it is clean and enough tasty. That s why many people in Uzbekistan get accustomed to drink tap water.

Effect of Industry Environment

Company belongs to the food industry, non-alcohol drinking water. There are more than 70 names of of drinking water producer on the market in Uzbekistan. But the main competitors of Hydrolife Company are Nestle Waters Company and Coca-Cola Company. They have 40-45% of market together. (Jalilov, T., 2010) think that the main advantage of Hydrolife Company is a big variety of the value of the bottles (0,5 l, 1,0 l; 1,5 l; 5,0 l). All these variants of value of bottles are for different cases. For example: people, who are working or studying whole day, need small bottles of water (0,5 l) to feel more comfortable. But in another hand it is more comfortable to buy big ...

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