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Реферат The essence of democracy and its core values

of those who saw in it something that deserves further storage and playback. All other non-democratic forms of human conflict with the desire for independence and freedom, deforming the freedom and dignity of the oppressed.of "naturalness" of democracy, its conformity to human nature, we mean first of all that democracy allows man to realize the interest in public life, to realize deeply inherent to each individual need (in some - passion) public recognition. With democracy embodies human capacity to influence the situation and the developments in the state to realize its own interests as an integral part of public interest. In its deep base contains a healthy lively democracy needs people to a common "game" of problems and variations of them, a speech and acclamation (or anger), rhetorical art and expression of one's unexpected (and sometimes - own) wisdom, rationality and wit.

3. The basic values ​​of democracy

values ​​- that's democracy for what it is worth protecting, is the personification of its significance, its appeal for millions of people, what makes democracy gaining new fans around the world.and citizenshipcore of democratic citizenship and citizenship . They mean not only (and not so much) formal membership rights in the state, political and legal relationship with its structure, how much sophistication and social consciousness of individual dignity and human capacity to realize their own interests and protect them with knowledge of the case and considering the interests of the society. requires a conscious and active involvement of citizens in public life, and without that it can not happen. Warning from the romanticized vision of democracy, E. Benesh wrote: "First of all, democracy means work, great work, mostly undistinguished, work systematic, persistent, constant and intense." Citizenship is the status of a developed civil values, because they increase a person civilization it, form the order based on freedom and responsibility.Constitution and constitutionalismConstitution should clearly define the principles of social coexistence of people in a democratic society. Inviolability of the constitutional principles enables us to social order and social freedom independent of whether it is the president who stands at the head of State or which party won a majority in parliament.Constitution is designed to limit government power and protect human rights and freedoms. Human rights and freedoms is such value of democracy, which is represented in all its forms and procedures. It is for the protection and realization of the value of a democracy. Constitutional legal order is this system of relations in which everyone is given the greatest possible freedom of initiative and self-determination. Collective behavior rules that unduly restrict an individual should not exist in a free society.of consciencedemocracy is born and adopted as one of its ...

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