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Реферат The essence of democracy and its core values

major values ​​freedom of conscience and tolerance.importance of this value is that democracy allows you to find and use the normal form of coexistence of citizens who are of different religious opinions, or generally are atheists. Religion and beliefs Rights recognized the realm of individual choice, which can not interfere nor the state nor other people.the principles of freedom of conscience are reflected in international human rights, constitutions of democratic states. But the interfaith conflict, clashes and conflicts are not left completely in the past. Even today, religious extremists and fanatics are trying by means of terror to achieve their goals, overcome the "opponents" (more often - just to destroy them). This makes democracy look dignified and appropriate response to such challenges.of speechof speech creates free in their actions and are protected by the media, which allow citizens to be truly aware of the situation in the country. Through the media people can express their opinions regarding a particular social problem, another political figure.opinion - a result of freedom of speech. After sharing opinions is possible only when people can freely, without fear of punishment or penalty, to show his true attitude to certain events, institutions, artists and others., Free speech, free media - is the largest democratic values. However, like any other freedom can not exist without restrictions. Imagine a situation in which the press can not just "tell all", but "to say everything with impunity" (do slander on the people, lie, etc.). Behind her we see the emergence of a new tyranny. - Media and its dignity back. Dignity - part of the authority of the citizen, his self-respect and respect for others. Everyone - a unique creation, and it must be recognized and appreciate, develop and use responsibly in life, understanding that are the outcome of dignity and in freedom. A truly worthy can only be a free man. The dignity of the citizen forces act, become an obstacle for violation of the principles and foundations of democratic order, oppose any oppression of freedom. Totalitarian regimes do not tolerate most of this very human traits, feeling that it brings them to decline.can exist only in the context of other advantages (dignity of others). In this respect to another and its recognition is based not on any considerations respect "for something" or "for something, but only that the person is respected as such, respected in her human.for human dignity requires deeply rooted in the society of tolerance (tolerance), the recognition of the inalienable right of all people. Cultivation of dignity and tolerance civilization society exalts man.autonomyautonomy means that a person is exercising its self-determination freely and objectively, using their own understanding of happiness and good. No one can affect the ideological, religious or other preference rights. This scope of free choice. Recognize as members of society,...

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