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Реферат The basic methods of psychological research

actions, speech, appearance), psychologist concludes individual characteristics of flow of mental processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), the mental state of man, the features of its personality , temperament, character. The peculiarity of the method of observation is that the study of the external manifestations of the human psyche is in the natural living conditions. Psychological monitoring should be targeted: the observer must visualize and understand what he was going to watch and why, otherwise the observation is converted into random fixation, secondary facts. It follows that psychological observation necessarily conducted under a special plan, scheme or program that provides the observer is studying the issues and facts, which he pre-allocated. Without a plan or program lost baseline observation, causing you to lose the most important and significant in mental activity. Monitoring should be conducted systematically, because psychological observation, usually requires more or less long time. The longer the observation, the more facts can gain observer, the easier it will separate the typical accidental, the deeper and more reliable will be its conclusions. Continuous monitoring is used, for example, when studying the age characteristics of children, in particular features of their speech and thinking, emotional expressions, interests, character traits and abilities. The results of this long observation recorded in his diary, which analyzes the mental development of children (often several years) or execute in the form of psychological characteristics. Types of observations:

. Direct - the researcher observes phenomena and processes under normal conditions. a) researcher - participant - for example, conducts a lesson with educational work, b) the researcher - a witness - not included in the activities c) the researcher - the organizer, observer - indirect observation;

. Open - held among the population to be studied;

. Pho - performed by cameras;

. Continuous - made from beginning to end;

. Discrete - carried out intermittently.20 years of the twentieth century was the dominant method of observation. But over time he began to refuse because people are always trying to prove themselves on better side. The downside of this method lies in its empirical. You can trace only the external manifestations of conduct and progress of ideas, inspiration remain closed from the observer. Observers should always be checked by other methods. Method of observation: В· Outcomes - defining goals and objectives В· Drawing up the plan, timing, object and subject, В· Establish a program of observation: - Questions to find out - Technique of fixation events (entries in his diary, on tape). Requirements of observation:

. Commitment - there are concrete manifestations of personality in ...

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