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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The basic methods of psychological research

Реферат The basic methods of psychological research

various activities;

. Smoothness;

. Independence - Observation - independent tasks, rather than accompanying activities;

. Naturalness - carried out under normal conditions, without the intervention of the researcher;

. Systematic;

. Objectivity - fixing the real facts

. Fixation is carried out during the observation, not after it. br/>

The experiment relates to empirical research methods. There is a comprehensive method of study and involves the use of a number of other methods. This method of gathering evidence in a specially designed environment. By creating conditions, the researcher must know the factors that acted during those events that have been studied. He has the opportunity to observe how certain conditions affect the course of events. This is achieved by changing one condition for invariance of the other. The experiment is the source of the scientific facts. Features: В§ Identification of the facts; В§ Checking the reliability of results; В§ Test the hypothesis. Types of experiment: В· Laboratory (primary); В· Natural. Laboratory The first psychological laboratory was opened in 1886 in Leybtsyzkomu University, W. Wundt.experiments used to study the individual states. Stimulating material may be rows of numbers, words, images. His conduct in a specially organized and somewhat artificial conditions, it requires special equipment and sometimes the use of technical devices. Often, though not always, it is performed in specially equipped for this purpose rooms (laboratories) using sophisticated equipment. Laboratory experiments allow for recording devices accurately measure the time course of mental processes, such as rate of human reactions, the rate of development of the education and labor skills. It is used in cases where necessary to obtain accurate and reliable flow rates of mental phenomena in strictly defined circumstances. An example can serve as a laboratory experiment studying the process of identification with a special setting that allows the screen (like television) gradually produce a different number of experimental visual information (from the smallest item of information to display in all its details) to determine where stage one recognizes the subject depicted. Laboratory experiments promotes a deep and comprehensive study of mental activity of people. The success of modern scientific psychology would have been impossible without the use of this method.: p align="justify">. Minimizing the random factors influencing the result;

. Net branch of experimental factors;

. Ability to control all factors in the experimental situation;

. Possibility of directional control persons participating in the experiment;

. Gives you the ability to penet...

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