Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Types of pollution

Реферат Types of pollution

es in many areas is a major cause of soil pollution. Also, when soil in and near production areas becomes dirty due to disposal of waste material, such land cannot be used for agricultural operations.is also caused by iron and steel mills; zinc, lead, and copper smelters; municipal incinerators; oil refineries; cement plants; and nitric and sulphuric acid plants.

VI). Radioactive pollution <# "justify"> Pollution is also caused by iron and steel mills; zinc, lead, and copper smelters, municipal incinerators, oil refineries, cement plants, nitric and sulphuric acid plants.greenhouse effect is becoming more and more widely researched and acknowledged in the mainstream press. The simple explanation of the greenhouse effect is as follows: the burning of fossil fuels releases "greenhouse gasses" into the atmosphere.gasses do not dissipate over time, but remained trapped in the earth's atmosphere, absorbing heat from the sun. And according to the "One Hundred Months Project", launched in August of 2008, we may no longer have much chance to save ourselves.idea behind The One Hundred Months project is to teach the public that the "tipping point" in terms of the greenhouse effect is about to be reached. As of August 2008, we have one hundred months before the greenhouse effect becomes irreversible. Even if we stop all fossil fuel production at that point, the climate won't return to safe pre-industrial levels. The earth will continue to get hotter and deadlier until like the firewood it combusts, in terms of human life.


2. Effects of pollution

ecosystem pollution environmental management

There is no shortage of effects out there from pollution that we all need to be aware of. The effects cause harm to humans, pets, plants, trees, and aquatic life. All living things are adversely effected by pollution.the suite of pollutants that taint urban air, fine suspended particulate matter, sulphur dioxide (SO2), and ozone pose the most widespread and acute risks; however, airborne lead pollution is a critical concern in many cities as well. Recent studies on the effects of chronic exposure to air pollution have singled out particulate matter as the pollutant most responsible for the life-shortening effect of unhealthy air, although other pollutants may also play an important role. These pollutants cause respiratory and other health disorders.air quality can kill many organisms including humans. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, throat inflammation, chest pain, and congestion. Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mostly due to contamination of drinking water by untreated sewage in developing countries. In India, air pollution is believed to cause 527,700 fatalities a year. Studies have estimated that the number of p...

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