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Реферат Transboundary pollution of hydrosphere

Transboundary pollution of hydrosphere

Transboundary pollution - the pollution that occurs in one country but is able to be reason of damage in another country s environment, by crossing borders through pathways like water or air. In our work we will talk about only water contamination.can be transported across hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. The incredible distances that pollution can spread means that it is not contained within the boundaries of any single nation. This is why it is called Transboundary Pollution . One of the problems with transboundary pollution is that can carry pollution away from a heavy emitter and deposit it onto a nation whose emissions are relatively low. Another problem with transboundary pollution relates to the quote above. Due to the fact that All things connect , the heavy pollution that is evident in the developed world also becomes evident in remote areas.

Water bodyVictoria is the largest lake in Africa, and according to various sources, the fourth and second in the world in area (68,100 k m² ). The lake with a 3450 km-long shoreline lies at altitude of 1135 meters above sea level, has a mean depth of 40 meters and maximum depth of 80 meters. Lake Victoria basin is used by communities and industries as a source of food, energy, water and transport. The lake is also a sink for human, agricultural and industrial waste. The Lake provides employment for up to 30 million people. The Lake s catchment area of ​​258,700 square kilometers has a GDP of US $ 300-400 million and supports nearly one-third of the total population of East Africa. The Lake is the source of River Nile, which is renown for whitewater rafting and flows to Egypt through Sudan.for the lake gave the British explorer Speke, who in 1858 was the first European was able to get to him and named it in honor of Queen Victoria. On the shores of the lake is home to over 30 million people, is the real heart of the economy of East Africa.huge lake is among the three countries: Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Also, for population of these 3 countries it is a source of water. However, the level of pollution of water has become very high such that the capital of Uganda, Kampala may remain without drinking water. years ago, the lake was a symbol of animal biodiversity. Unfortunately, everything was changed when the 50-years people started to entering Nile perch (popular fish among Europeans) in lake. On the one hand, the Nile perch has become an important commercial fish for local ...

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