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Реферат Transboundary pollution of hydrosphere

residents, many of whom gave up another economic activity for the fish trade. On the one hand, the Nile perch was a formidable predator, will destroy many of the other fish in Lake (once there were more than 200). Was a real crisis, as the entire northern part of the lake is gradually turning into a dead zone. The lake here is absolutely green because of the abundance of algae, serious water purification.addition, all wetlands that used to be natural water filters that prevent harmful substances penetrate into the lake had completely disappeared from industrial and tourist development of the banks of the lake . This means that the dirty water gets directly into the lake, which will result in contamination of a tragedy for the people in the near future.

Sources of pollution

Lake Victoria is at the big risk to die from pollutioncauses of rising pollution levels in the Lake are as many as they are diverse and each of the three East African nations is culpable. The Lake has for along time been a sink to excessive nutrients and untreated effluent that have led to fish die-offs, algal blooms and the spread of hyacinth, a ferocious waterweed. Although mostly eradicated now, the remnants of hyacinth on Lake Victoria deplete dissolved oxygen, sunlight and are an obstacle to water transport. Along the shoreline, hyacinth provides habitat for malaria mosquitoes and snails which habour bilharzia parasites. p align="justify"> 1) In Uganda , have a lot of sources of pollution such as:

deficient sewage and industrial wastewater plants

small-scale workshops

waste oil from parking lots

car repair garagesmajor sources of pollution load for the lake. The sewer system in Kampala city serves only a small fraction of the city population and only 10% of all sewage generated in Kampala gets treated. Guesthouses, slum dwellings and industries discharging untreated wastewater in Nakivubo channel, which flows into Murchison Bay contribute lachrymal pollution load and depleted oxygen levels in Lake Victoria. Also riding of motorboats churns up a trail of black sewage sludge in Nakivubo channel. In addition, Nakivubo Channel carries approximately 75% of the nitrogen and 85% of phosphorus nutrient load discharged daily into Murchison Bay. The high nitrogen and phosphorous levels are responsible for excessive eutrophication and algal blooms seen in the Bay.

2) Murchison Bay is covered in a green floating blanket of algae that is as viscous as wall paint. Algal blooms clog water treatment plants, deoxygenate lake water causing fish die-offs and cause a skin condition known as swimmers itch. M...

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