ome pupils have many books by Russian and American writers at home. What books do you have at home? : I have many books on arts, because my elder sister is interested in books on arts. As for me, I prefer to read books about the Great Patriotic War, that s why there are novels, stories and poems about the Great Patriotic War in our bookcase.: As far as I know, books on biology interest Polina most of all. Polina, would you like to tell us why? І т. д.
У процесі бесід затреніровиваются такі слова і словосполучення: books on ..., books by ..., to be interested in ..., to be popular with ..., to prefer і т. д.
Охоче ??хлопці вступають в спілкування, граючи I Don t Remember
Сенс гри в наступному: читач просить книгу, але не знає ні її назви, ні автора. Бібліотекар задає питання і зрештою з'ясовує, яка книга потрібна читачеві.: Mary, I am a librarian, you are a reader. You begin the dialogue.: Good afternoon.: Good afternoon.: I would like to have a book, but ... I forgot its name.: Who is the author of the book?: I don t know.: What is it about? : I haven t read it, but our teacher told us that it is about a boy.: What is his name?: I don t know.: When does the action take place?: It takes place in the nineteenth century.: Where does the action take place?: I think it takes place in London.: Is it an adventure book?: Yes, it s about the adventures of a poor boy.: Is it Oliver Twist?: Oh, yes, thank you.
Доцільно визначити перелік книг, про які буде йти мова, і мати плакат з їх назвами. Слід написати на іншому плакаті вирази, необхідні для розмови в бібліотеці: is this book about? Is about ... does the action take place? Action takes place ... is the main character? Kind of book is this? s an adventure book. s a collection of stories. s a novel
Працюючи над лексикою, я часто застосовую такі, наприклад, вправи по темі Travelling:
Вислови свою думку.: I like it when somebody sees me off. And what about you, P.?: As for me, I don t like ...
T: I pack my suitcase myself. And what about you, P.?: So do I.
Підтвердь моє висловлювання.: Sometimes it s very hot in Africa in summer.: Yes, it s really very hot. And not sometimes but always.: Sometimes it s hot here in winter, too.
Погодься або спростуй моє твердження.: The pupils like to go hiking.: I think pupils like to go hiking. Hiking is nice because you need not think about tickets, timetables and other thighs. You may visit places famous for their traditions and customs. You can also visit many historical places and learn more about people and their life.
Використовуючи такі вправи, я даю дітям необхідні мовні кліше типу: I agree with you. You are right. I am of the same opinion. As for me .... You are wrong. I can t agree. It isn t so. І т. д.
При вивченні теми «In Town» приділяю велику увагу правилам дорожнього руху. При роботі над діалогом (ex.10, p.158) пропоную учням таке завдання: Boris is in the street-crossing. What is the quickest way to get to Lena s house from this place in accordance with traffic rules? Use words and words combinations: to cross, a street-crossing, a traffic light, turn to the left (to the right), to change to green.
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