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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Non-price Competition

Реферат Non-price Competition

. For this purpose, the disclosure of the following tasks:

) Consider the theoretical foundations of non-price competition:

The essence of non-price competition;

Product differentiation, its improvement and diversity;

Methods of price competition;

) To study the features of advertising and packaging, as factors of non-price competition

Features of advertising;

The impact of advertising on sales of products;

Features of the package;

Empirical evidence

1. The essence of non-price competition

# «justify">) Improving the technical characteristics of the goods;

) Improving the adaptability to the needs of consumer goods. (Service) price competition by improving the quality of products is called competition for the product. This kind of competition is based on the desire to capture some of the industry market through the issuance of new products or service that are either fundamentally different from the old model, or represent its upgraded version. Competition based on improving quality, is contradictory. On the one hand, is a way to improve the quality of hidden price cuts and market expansion on the other - the «quality»- A subjective assessment, which opens up the possibility of falsification of quality through advertising and beautiful packaging.price competition by improving the marketing of products called competition in sales conditions. This kind of competition is based on improving the service of customer service. Here is the effect on the consumer through advertising improve trade the establishment of service benefits buyers after the purchase of the goods, that is, during its operation.price competition is conducted by reducing costs, improving product and service quality, reliability, better payment terms , warranty and service, improved marketing techniques.more unique product offering, from the point of view of consumers, the more marketing freedom in setting prices higher than those of competing products. Each of the companies acting in the market tends to at least maintain the market share, which it occupies. Basic techniques are required for this competition - the price, the technical level and other quality indicators of the goods, delivery terms payment terms, scope and timing guarantees, and quality of service advertising and other activities., Many companies prefer to improve consumer properties of their product while maintaining or even some increase sales prices. With appropriate advertising such «hidden» discount from the price of goods is usually a positive reaction from the modern consumer, which is so often associated with low price poor quality product.market penetration using it based on the development of a new branded product or exclusion of competitors offering similar products also occurs in non-price competition. In the world of success is determined by price competition (especially in Europe, North America, South - East Asia) technical level, product quality and reliability, proven certification in conventional centers, level of service and after-sales service, rather than low prices . of the challenges of the modern theory and practice of organizing the competiti...

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