Use open fire;
To repair vehicles with tanks filled with fuel;
Store fuel and kerosene in quantities exceeding the replacement demand;
Store the empties out of fuel and lubricants.addition, these areas must be carefully cleaning after work each shift, oil spills and clean fuel with sand, collect used cleaning materials, store them in metal boxes with lids and after the change to take them in a timely and safe to fire on place to organize storage of spent oils and grease in underground tanks or in basements.effective fire fighting equipment any fire seen in a timely manner and not widely spread, can be quickly eliminated. Therefore, for body area and need to take to install two fire shield, two boxes with dry sifted sand capacity of 0.5 m3. In each room to repair and body plot has extinguishers. In each room for repair and M in the area include carbon dioxide extinguishers OU5 (VVK3, 5), portable container for up to 5 litters (3.5 kilograms). Total number of fire extinguishers in Engineering building MC 23 pieces, in an office building - 18 pieces.
7.2 Fire safety in the zone M
our country, fire safety is a national priority. For its implementation are responsible leaders of the Soviet and economic agencies. Provided that the provision of fire protection of cities and other human settlements, economic facilities is essential.of the state fire supervision in our country are assigned to the Department of Fire Protection Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan and its peripheral organs. In accordance with the Regulation on state fire supervision supervisors: develop and publish rules, regulations and technical standards for fire safety, and systematically monitor their implementation; monitor the implementation of the fire safety requirements of all enterprises and institutions as well as individuals; monitor and check the combat readiness of fire units and the condition of fire alarm and fire in all departments, institutions caused great material damage and is often accompanied by accidents with people. Major causes of fires in the MC are careless with fire, violation of fire safety in welding and other hot work, improper use of electrical fault heaters and heat treatment furnaces, violation of operating the device for heating the car, violation of fire safety and battery painting works etc.operating the rolling stock the most common causes of fires are faulty electrical car, not the tightness of supply Leakage of gas equipment for natural gas vehicles, the accumulation of dirt on the engines, etc.of fires - one of the most important conditions for fire safety at MC. Fire safety MC must meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-85 building codes and regulations, fire safety standard for industrial fire safety rules for road transport enterprises public Uzbekistan.territory must be kept clean and cleared out of industrial waste. Oiled cotton waste and industrial waste should be collected in designated places, and at the end of work to remove.fuel and lubricants should immediately remove. Driveway entrances, driveways to buildings and fire water sources, fire breaks between the buildings, structures and approaches to fighting equipment and equipment must be kept clear.prevent fire near the parking places and storage of flammable materials are not allowed to smoke or use an open flame. To prevent fire in the premises installed ventilation system with fans and regulators sparking. The room must be equipped with fire extinguishers, sand and fire shield.
increase the efficiency of activity of LLS Jizzakhavtotransservis and success in the future, it was suggested the introduction of the following measures: of MC production building sites with the location of existing data and the number of cars; and introduction of a 6-rack lift buses with placing it in touring car section. drawings were offered lifts, describes the principle of the lift, the main characteristics of the lift, the lift describes possible faults and remedies.calculations can be said that these measures are effective in improving MC production activities and reduce production costs.particular event to introduce the lift will reduce the complexity of work performed by 20% and reduce the production costs of the bodywork on sum 16,477,019.16 per year.
1. Мамлакатларімізда демократік ісло? Отларі янада чу? Урлаштіріш ва фу? Аролік жаміятіні рівожлантіріш концепціясі: Ўзбекістон Республікасі Олій Мажліса? Онунчілік палатасі ва Сенатнінг? Ўшма мажлісідагі ма'руза. +2010 Йіл 12 ноябрь/І. Карімов.- Тошкент: Ўзбекістон, 2010. - 56 б.
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