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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

Реферат Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

e amount CnHm, the volume fraction of the number of engine cylindersup to 4more than 4nхх min nхх пов1,5 2,01200 6003000 1000

Notes to Table 6.1: хх min - minimum speed of the crankshaft of the engine idling; хх пов - increased engine speed to idle.and industry standards establishing limits of harmful substances in the exhaust gases of vehicles can be divided into two groups.first group - these are the standards used during acceptance testing before directing vehicles in production.second group - the standards applied in mass production, renovated and in operation.of diesel cars should not exceed the limits specified in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2smoke in diesel engines

Mode measurement of opacityOpacity,% not moreFree acceleration for cars with diesel engines: unsupercharged supercharged Maximum speed 40 50 15 and controlled components of the exhaust gas vehicles are the first group of standards CO, CnHm, NOn for gasoline and diesel engines, smoke only for diesels. For the second group of standards CO, CnHm c 01.01.1988 for gasoline engines, the only smoke for diesel engines.

6.2 Environmental protection in the M and diagnostics

problem of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources is one of the major global problems, since its decisions depend on the life on earth, the health and welfare of mankind.year, the world economy throws only in an atmosphere of 350 million tons of carbon monoxide, more than 50 million tons of various hydrocarbons, 120 million tons of ash, 150 million tons of sulphur dioxide. In an atmosphere of carbon dioxide gas is accumulated and at the same time decreases the amount of oxygen. Rapidly growing shortage of fresh water. There has also biological and acoustic (noise) pollution.share of pollution and make MC, especially exploited their cars. The composition includes a vehicle exhaust gas substances such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, various hydrocarbons, sulphur dioxide, a lead compound, carbon black. Only one defective truck with carburettor engine within a year emits 10.8 tons of carbon monoxide. Vehicles are exposed to high noise and electromagnetic radiation.need to protect nature in the constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. To reduce the harmful effects of MC on the environment in its design, construction and operation must be carried out environment protection activities.the enterprise should be sanitary protection zone with a minimum width of 50 m This area greened and beautify. Green spaces enrich the air with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, noise, dust filtration and regulate climate.of harmful emissions as possible focus in the branches on the outskirts of the city.permissible emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere is determined in accordance with GOST In this case go from the condition that the concentration of harmful substances in the atmospheric surface layer should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) .order to maintain the purity of weathering within the rules on the MC provide ventilation and pre-cleaning process emissions and their subsequent dispersion in the atmosphere.emissions engine cars can be achieved maintaining good technical condition of the car. At MC engines should be regulated on the toxicity of smoke and exhaust gases to levels specified by GOST 21393-75 and GOST * .MC control the operation of vehicles on the CO content and must be carried out at CnHm M -2, after the repair of units, systems and components, the content of CO and CnHm, as well as on demand drivers.of harmful substances into the atmosphere is achieved through fuel savings. The less burnt with fuel, the exhaust gas is less, and thus the toxic components.gas opacity to motor vehicles under free acceleration with naturally aspirated diesel engines should not exceed 40%, with a supercharged 50% .air pollution contributes to transfer vehicles with gasoline (carburetor) diesel engine, the exhaust gases which contains much less carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.


7.1 Fire safety

in the enterprise does great harm to agriculture and is often accompanied by accidents with people.fire hazard considered repair shops, so they should be placed in isolated areas of the parking lot.interference immediate evacuation of people, property and maintenance of a fire-fighting are strictly prohibited:

Block undeveloped territory Enterprise defective parts and other items for free access to fire hydrants running water to places of fire equipment and equipment for emergency gate;

Serve a number of vehicles that exceed the design capacity of the diagnostic station.areas for maintenance and diagnostics of vehicles is ...

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