Do English people write every single idea beginning with a new paragraph?
In what way do they usually finish their letters?
Where do they sign a letter?
Is the signature typed or written by hand?
Practice 2. Закріплення знань про оформлення листа англійською мовою.
Т: You've got jumbled parts of the informal letter. Put them in logical order. br/>В
Reading 2. Пред'явлення тексту для читання " A letter ", впр. 70 (стор. 43).
1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовкі до читання тексту. Problem solving.
Т: Do you agree with the following statements? To write a good, interesting letter is a real art. It is very important to write correctly and neatly. p> Read some advices to make sure about the right way of writing your informal letter. The Art of Letter-Writing. p> (H0 4 ): The art of letter-writing
Everyone likes to receive letters from relatives, friends and people we love. But not all of us like to write letters. Perhaps you have heard people say: "I don't know what to write in letters ", or" I hate writing letters ".
To write a good, interesting letter is a real art. Here are some rules you should follow if you want to write an interesting letter to your friend.
1. Make the content of your letter interesting.
Make sure that the news which you are eager to share with your friend will be of interest to your friend. Have his/her last letter in front of you so that you can answer all of his/her questions.
2. Have an interesting beginning.
The spirit of your letter is in the first paragraph. Show how glad you were to receive his/her letter or describe the most interesting thing that has happened to you.
3. Think of a good ending.
The final impression is as important as the first one. That's why much significance should be attached to the last words. Never write sentences like this: "Since I have no other news to write, I had better close ". This shows that writing this letter is a case of duty not interest, to you. You may close by wishing your friend success in something that you know is of importance to him/her.
4. Think of an interesting style.
Write to your friend in a way as if you were talking to him/her. But the degree of informality depends upon the person to whom you are writing. Show your personality and good humor in every letter that you write to your friend.
5. Write clearly, correctly and neatly.
Keep in mind, that if a letter is written in a sloppy way, your friend will read it with less understanding and interest.
2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та Виконання вправо во время читання.
а) Переглядове читання тексту з метою Отримання загально уявлення про йо Зміст (skimming).
Т: Look through the text and say what kind of the text it is?
Whom is it written to?
Where is the letter from?
Whom is it from?
Is it a formal or informal letter?
б) Читання тексту з метою максимально полного та точного розуміння всієї ІНФОРМАЦІЇ, что містіться в ньом (Scanning). p> Т: Say if the sentences on the blackboard are true or false.
(H0 4 ):
True or False.
Bob has got many friends.
His friend Harry is a student.
Harry lives in London.
It takes him 10 minutes to-get to his office.
In the evening likes to do a little reading or gardening.
Bob and Harry meet at the week-ends.
3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та Виконання післятекстовіх комунікатівніх вправо.
а) Т: Answer the questions about Harry's working day. When does he get up?
Does he walk or drive to the station?
When does he arrive to the city?
Is his office far from the station?
When does he finish his work?
What does he do in the evening?
What do Harry and Bob do at the week-end?
Do you find Ha...