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Реферат Criminal law

d artistic pursuits. One may spend this time in playing with children, J listening to their stories or in observing nature and birds.idle mind is the devil s workshop. The right use of leisure hours can help us in shaping and developing our personality in the desired way. It is really condemnable to spend leisure without a definite plan to have purposeful gains. Leisure provides us a rare opportunity to satisfy our inner demands, j By means of our regular occupations and professions; we satisfy our physical and material demands. Now, during leisure we can very well satisfy our artistic, cultural, aesthetic, intellectual and spiritual urges. We can devote our spare hours to reading, writing, playing a musical instrument or in the pursuit of some meaningful creative and socially relevant activity. There are many hobbies to choose from. We may select from these according to our aptitude and resources, etc.we have made a judicious selection, we can make our leisure really interesting, meaningful and worthwhile. All cultural and aesthetical achievements and improvements arise from leisure. It helps people in becoming whole, integrated and cultured. During these precious moments of respite, relaxation, rest and diversion, one can stand and stare at things beautiful, j ponder on the meaning of life and turn one s life into a real asset.people spend leisure differently. Some may occupy themselves in gardening, photography, reading or playing outdoor or indoor games. Others may busy themselves in playing with children or in enjoying music.modern times, viewing television is becoming more and more popular. In western countries people spend roughly 45% of their leisure hours in front of their TV sets. In India also more and more people spend their time before their TV sets, viewing films, popular serials or other programmes. Women and children too are enthusiastic viewers of television programmes in India. But watching T.V. for long hours has its inherent risks as it is a passive entertainment and there is no participation by the viewers in it.work weeks and automation of activities have resulted in more leisure and spare time. And with this, the danger of mental dissipation, flirtation and killing of time in idle entertainment have increased. Success and purposefulness of leisure is as important as that of our employment or vocational pursuits. Leisure can be a means of both our elevation, enrichment, improvement of sensibilities and degradation, fall, moral dissipation and flirtation. Leisure in itself is neither good nor bad. It is its use that makes it good or bad. No doubt all intellectual improvement arises from leisure but too much and too frequent leisure makes a poet cry: is pain; takes off our chariot wheels, how heavily we drag the load of life Blest leisure is our curse; like that of Cain, It makes us wander, wander earth around To fly that tyrant thought.

Therefore, leisure with purpose and meaningfulness should be our aim for has not Cicero, the famous Roman statesman said, The thing which is the most outstanding and chiefly to be desired by all healthy and good and well-off persons is leisure with honour. If we stick to the principle of leisure with honour then it would be no problem at all. We must be alert and watchful against the abuse of leisure.


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