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Реферат Criminal law

pollution do you know? Characterize them in brief.pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. We pollute also in such ways as ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. We operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. Nearly everyone causes environmental pollution in some way.pollution is caused by exhausting from automobiles; factories discharge much of the toxic gases. So, high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air destroys the ozone layer. By the all badly polluted air can cause illness, and even death.pollution is caused by dumping waste materials and the by-products of industrialization, by oil spillage from the tankers and ships. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life.of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food. Land pollution is provoked by using too much fertilizer and pesticides, which ruin the soil, dumping wastes on the land which can t decompose.should be mentioned that much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example automobiles provide transportation for millions for people, but exhaust the air. Factories pollute air, water and land by by-products and toxic gases but factories provide job and produce goods that people want. It s a kind of paradox. Scientists and engineers work to find ways to lessen the amount pollution.unite all forms of pollution. Still exist such types of wastes: industry, commerce, quarrying, construction, household bins and litter. Most domestic rubbish ends up in landfill sites which are ecologically unsound. Around two-third of landfill waste is organic, biodegradable matter. As it decomposes it produces methane - a powerful greenhouse gas.throw paper, garden rubbish, food, packaging, plastic bottles and trays, bags, glass and electronic goods. Much food end s up in the bin though it could be eaten by people animals, or turned into compost. Farmers and costumers end up vegetables and fruits discarding perfectly edible but blemished produce. Housewives having in their disposal huge supermarkets and more disposable income become profligate and buy more than they can carry and use. Packaging, bags, plastic bottle and trays can t be recycled by soil, they just pollute it. For nowadays people it is very hard to carry such waste into the bin. Plastic wastes can be recycled or being compressed into pellets and burnt instead of gas or coil using it as a renewable alternative to the fossil fuels. But many environmentalists say that, while a waste paper can be a useful alternative to fossil fuel, it is not safe to burn plastic, glass or metal as it can produces greenhouse gases and toxic reduces which can impact on human s health. So calling e-wastes can t be recycled. Whereas in the past we expected to keep electronic goods for years, calling up the repair man when they went wrong, they are now so cheap that we are happy to throw them out. In fact we have a little choice, because many goods are no longer designed to be repaired. E-wastes hard to recycle as they contain lead, lithium, nickel and cadmium which are extremely hard to extract and treat.

People have always polluted their surroundings. But throughout much of histor...

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