Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Automation of business processes in hospitals

Реферат Automation of business processes in hospitals

} (command == Create amp; amp; ((List lt; Appointment gt;) Session [ AppointmentList ]). Count ()!=0)

{illness=new Illness

{= model.Title,=model.Description,=false,=attendingDoctor,=DateTime.Now,=null,=patient.MedicalCard

} ;. UnitOfWork.IllnessRepository.Add (illness); RedirectToAction ( GetRequest raquo ;, DoctorCardOperation raquo ;, new {message= The operation was successful });

} RedirectToAction ( CreateIllness raquo ;, DoctorCardOperation raquo ;, new {message= You have to fill all empty areas });



[Authorize] ActionResult CreateReference (Appointment appointment, string message)

{. Message=message; (Session [ AppointmentList ] == null)

{[ AppointmentList ]=new List lt; Appointment gt; ();



((List lt; Appointment gt;) Session [ AppointmentList ]). Add (appointment);

} addedDoctor=Session [ CurrentDoctor ] as Doctor; patient=Session [ PatientRequest ] as Patient; model=new CreateReferenceModel

{= addedDoctor.Login,=addedDoctor.FirstName,=addedDoctor.LastName,=patient.Login,=patient.FirstName,=patient.LastName,=((List lt; Appointment gt;) Session [ AppointmentList ]).Select (x= gt; new SelectListItem

{= x.Id.ToString (),=string.Format ( {0} raquo ;, x.Title)


}; View (model);




[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] ActionResult CreateReference (CreateReferenceModel model, string command)

{addedDoctor=Session [ CurrentDoctor ] as Doctor; patient=Session [ PatientRequest ] as Patient; (command == Add appointment )

{RedirectToAction ( GetAppointments raquo ;, MedicalCard raquo ;, new {param= FromReference });

} (command == Upload image )

{RedirectToAction ( UploadImage raquo ;, DoctorAppointment );

} (command == Write feedback )

{RedirectToAction ( WriteFeedback raquo ;, AdditionalFunction );

} (command == Back to patient card operation page )

{RedirectToAction ( GetRequest raquo ;, DoctorCardOperation );

} (command == Create amp; amp; ((List lt; Appointment gt;) Session [ AppointmentList ]). Count ()!=0)

{reference=new DoctorReference

{= model.Title,=model.Description,=null,=DateTime.Now,=null,=addedDoctor,=patient

} ;. UnitOfWork.DoctorReferenceRepository.Add (reference); RedirectToAction ( GetRequest raquo ;, new {message= The operation was successful });

} RedirectToAction ( CreateReference raquo ;, DoctorCardOperation raquo ;, new {message= You have to fill all empty areas });



[Authorize] ActionResult AddAppointment (Appointment appointment)

{param=Session [ AimOfOpenCard ] as string; (param == FromIllness )

{RedirectToAction ( CreateIllness raquo ;, DoctorCardOperation raquo ;, appointment);

} RedirectToAction ( CreateReference raquo ;, DoctorCardOperation raquo ;, appointment);


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