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> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Інформаційна система житлового агентства

Реферат Інформаційна система житлового агентства

dget-> insertRow (row); addQStringInTable (uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget, (* passage) -> getLogin (), row, 0); if ((* passage) -> getAccess ()) addQStringInTable (uiFunctionAdmin. usersTableWidget, "ADMIN", row + +, 1); else addQStringInTable (uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget, "USER", row + +, 1); + + passage;}} void FunctionAdmin :: newPassword () {int row = uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget- > currentRow (); QLinkedList :: Iterator passage = users-> begin (); for (row = 0; row currentRow (); row + +) + + passage; QDialog * window = new QDialog (this); Ui :: editPassword ui; ui.setupUi (window); QObject :: connect (ui.okButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (accept ())); QObject :: connect (ui.cancelButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (reject ())); while (window-> exec ()) {if (ui.passwordLineEdit-> text (). isEmpty ( )) QMessageBox :: information (this, tr ("clear string"), tr ("SORRY, clear string"), QMessageBox :: Ok); else {(* passage) -> setPassword (ui.passwordLineEdit- > text ()); break;}} delete window; uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> selectionModel () -> clearSelection ();} void FunctionAdmin :: editAccess () {int row = uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> currentRow ( ); QLinkedList :: Iterator passage = users-> begin (); for (row = 0; row currentRow (); row + +) + + passage; QDialog * window = new QDialog (this); Ui :: editAccess ui; ui.setupUi (window); QObject :: connect (ui.okButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (accept ())); QObject :: connect ( ui.cancelButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), window, SLOT (reject ())); if (window-> exec ()) if (ui.AccessComboBox-> currentIndex ()) {(* passage) -> ; setAccess (ADMIN); uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> item (row, 1) -> setText ("ADMIN");} else {(* passage) -> setAccess (USER); uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> item (row, 1) -> setText ("USER");} delete window; uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> selectionModel () -> clearSelection ();} void FunctionAdmin :: saveUsers () {QFile * file = new QFile ("login.bin"); file-> open (QIODevice :: WriteOnly); QDataStream in (file); QLinkedList :: Iterator passage = users-> begin (); while ( passage! = users-> end ()) {in <<(* passage) -> getLogin (); in <<(* passage) -> getPassword (); in <<( * passage) -> getAccess (); + + passage;} file-> close (); delete file; uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> selectionModel () -> clearSelection ();} void FunctionAdmin :: deleteUser () {int row = uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> currentRow (); QLinkedList :: Iterator passage = users-> begin (); for (row = 0; row currentRow ( ), row + +) + + passage; if ((* passage) == current) {users-> erase (passage), slotSavePosterHiring (); slotSavePosterRent (); saveUsers (); exit (1);} users-> erase (passage); uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> removeRow (row); uiFunctionAdmin.usersTableWidget-> select...

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