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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

o fail completely)? His whole life seemed to be coming apart at the seams. 2come apart: to break or separate into pieces? Bruce grabbed the book from me and it came apart in his hands.round - 1come around / round: to come to someone «s house in order to see them? Valerie and John said they might come around this evening.2 come around / round: to start to agree with or accept something that you did not agree with before? My mother stopped speaking to me when i first left home, but she »s coming round now.

Come back: if something from the past comes back to you, you remember it? She looked at the photograph, and suddenly it all came back. Come back: to reply with humor or anger to something someone says? He always comes back with some kind of witty reply. Comeback n a humorous or angry reply? I can never think of a good comeback until it's too late.

Come before - Come before sb / sth: to be brought to someone with official authority in order to be judged or discussed

? Murphy's case came before Judge Holden at the Crown Court.

Come between - 1 Come between sb: to spoil a relationship or friendship? In the end it was Jed's jealousy and pride that came between us. Come between sb and sth: to prevent someone from giving enough attention to something? He never let anyone come between him and his work.by - 1 Come by sth: to get something? I wonder how he came by so much money at his age. 2 come by: to make a short visit to a place on your way to somewhere else? Can I come by tonight and get my stuff? Down: to accept a lower price for something than you had asked for so they re asking? 150,000 for the house, but they might come down a bit. 2 come down: if a building, wall etc comes down, it is destroyed? The Berlin Wall came down in 1989. 2 come down: if a plane comes down, it crashes to the ground? The plane came down in Bilmermeer, and there were no survivors.4 come down in favor of sth / sb: to decide to support something or someone, especially officially? The president is expected to come down in favor of military intervention, come down on the side of sth / sb? The judge in the case came down on the side of the unions.

Come down: to stop feeling the excitement caused by taking an illegal drug? An addict coming down off heroin is usually in a deeply depressed state.

Come down on: Come down on sb: to criticize or punish someone for something? Your manager will really come down on you if the job isn «t finished in time, come down on sb like a ton of bricks (= criticize or punish someone very severely)? He made one tiny mistake and they came down on him like a ton of bricks. Come down to: 1 come down to sth: to be the most important thing to consider, when it comes down to it (= this is the most important point)? When it comes down to it, you have to remember she »s only sixteen. 2 if it comes down to it ...: used to say that if something becomes really necessary, that is what you will have to do? If it comes down to it, we «ll just have to take a later flight. Come down with: come down with sth: to get an illness? Almost everyone in the office came down with flu. Come for: come for sb: to arrive in order to take someone somewhere? The taxi »s coming for us at nine. Come forward: come forward: to be willing to do something, especially to give someone information? ...

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