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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Використання пісні в навчанні іноземної мови

Реферат Використання пісні в навчанні іноземної мови

es, tigers live in ...

2. To Africa we go ...

. Monkeys are ... 5.BeCHART

(+) (-) am (I m) I am not (I m not) is (He s) He is not (He isn t) is (She s) She is not (She isn t) is (It s) It is not (It isn t) are (We re) We are not (We aren t) are (You re) You are not (You aren t) are (They re) They are not (They aren t)

(?) Short answersI ... ..? Yes, you are/No, you aren the ... ..? Yes, he is/No, he isn tshe ... ...? Yes, she is/No, she isn tit ......? Yes, it is/No, it isn twe ... ..? Yes, you are/No, you aren tyou ....? Yes, I am/No, I m not, we are/No, we aren tthey ....? Yes, they are/No, they aren t6.

!!! VOCABULARY: Listen again and fill in the gaps.

s Jack?

Where s Jack? He s in ... ... Where s Jill? She s in ... ... Where s Mom? She s in ...... ... Where s Fred? Fred s in ...... .Fred s in Jack s in. Fred s in ...... .. Jack s in ....... Jill s in ...... ... Mom s in ...... .. Fred s in ... ... Fred s in ... ...

Exercise 7.

!!! PRONANCIATION: Where are Fred and MaryAre Fred and Mary?

Where s Jack? Where s Jill? Where are Fred and Mary? Where s Bill? Where s Ed? Where s Sue? Where are Bob and Betty? Where are Tom and Lou? Jack and Jill. Betty and Bill. Bob and Lou. Mary and Sue. Jack and Jill. Betty and Bill. Bob and Lou. Mary and Sue. 8.Continuous TensCHART

(+) (-) am (I m) eating I am (I m) not eatingis (He s) eating He is not (isn t) eatingis (She s) eating She is not ( isn t) eatingis (It s) eating It is not (isn t) eatingare (We re) eating We are not (aren t) eatingare (You re) eating You are not (aren t) eatingare (They re) eating They are not (aren t) eating

(?) Short answersI eating? Yes, you are/No, you aren the eating? Yes, he is/No, he isn tshe eating? Yes, she is/No, she isn tit eating? Yes, it is/No, it isn twe eating? Yes, you are/No, you aren tyou eating? Yes, I am/No, I m not, we are/No, we aren tthey eating? Yes, they are/No, you aren t

Пропонуємо ще один дуже цікавий прийом роботи з піснею, з російською піснею добре відомої учням різного віку «В лесу родилась елочка».

Опишемо фрагменти уроку :: One of the most important holidays in Great Britain is Christmas but it is not such popular as in our country. In our country we like New Year most of all. It s time when we can get and make presents for closed people. We have many entertainments. So today we are going to speak about Christmas. Name the most popular Christmas song in Great Britain. (Jingle Bells)! And can you sing the most famous part from the song? Sing the song Jingle Bells Ex.1 p.49: bell! Bells! All the way !, what fun it is to ride, a one-horse open sleigh! Done! Tell me, please what one of the most famous children s New Year s song is in our country.

(The New Year Tree was born in the wood.)!

Робота з текстом песніfirst I offer to listen to this song in Russian and remember it.the main characters in the song.

Школярі називають героїв пісні російською мовою (ялиночка, мороз, хуртовина, заєць, вовк, кінь, мужичок).

I ll give you a sheet of paper with the song find these words in the text.what are the main characters in our song? (the New Year Tree, the Snow Storm, the Frost, a hare, a wolf, a horse, an old man)

У лісі was born the ялиночка

У лісі it is росла

Взимку and влітку shapely

Зелена била.storm eй sings the песенкуёлочка бай-байFrost сніжком укутував look не замерзає.

Трусишка hare сіренький

під New Year Tree скакав

порию wolf, the angry wolfjog-trot пробігав.

Тепер it is святкове

На holiday прийшла many, many радостей

The children принесла.

На даному етапі в процесі цієї роботи проводиться «мозковий штурм»

the actions what they do? (Was born, sing, look, sleep, jump, run, cut, carry)

Працюючи з дієсловами, намагаємося з учнями розібрати, як би ми могли показати ці рухи без слів, в пантомімі. А потім учням пропонується проіграть1-3 куплет, використовуючи запропоновані руху. Для цього вибираються учасники пантоміми.

Let s try to act the 1, 2 and the 3 parts of the song.

Пантоміма.happens in our story at the end?

(The New Year comes to children) New Year comes to us. Let s deco...

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