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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

People who are bullied at work are often too scared to come forward. Come forward with come forward with sth: to suggest something or to give the money needed for something? Delores came forward with detailed proposals for a range of reforms. Come from I come from sth: if you come from a particular place, you were born there or have your home there? Most of our students come from Europe.2come from sth: to belong to particular type of family or social class? The kids at this school come from all kinds of backgrounds.2 understand where sb «s coming from: to understand why someone thinks the way they do? I disagree with her all the time-I just don »t understand where she« s coming from.in - 1come in: used to ask someone to enter the room or building that you are in? would you like to come in and have a drink? 1come in: if a train, bus, plane, or ship comes in, it arrives at a station, airport, or port? What time should the train from Boston come in? incoming adj traveling towards a place and arriving soon? incoming flights? incoming passengers 3come in: to become involved in a plan, activity etc. + On? Three more top bands have offered to come in on the anti-drugs campaign, be where / how sb / sth comes in (= be what someone or something »s part in a plan is)"? We need someone who knows the area, and that «s where Mick comes in. 4come in: to finish a race, competition etc in a particular.? The favorite horse only just finished the race, coming in way behind the others. 5come in: to start to be used and have an effect? ??A new law came in today requiring all bars to close by 2am. 6 come in: if a new fashion comes in, it starts to be fashionable? Bright colors are coming in again for this summer. 8 come in useful also come in handy: to be useful for something? Keep that box - it might come in handy for something. 8 the tide comes in: when the tide comes in, the sea moves towards the land? it s only safe to swim her when the tide » ; s coming in.ADI an incoming tide is! Coming towards the land? The rocks were slowly being covered by the incoming tide. come in for come in for criticism / praise etc: to be i criticized, praised etc for something? In Dr Yates « speech, Samuel Whitbread came in for special praise. COME INTO 1 come into effect also come into operation: to begin to be used and have an effect? The new tax came into operation on April 1st. ? In 1952, the peace treaty came into effect. 2 come into being also come into existence: to start to exist? The company came into existence in 1987. 3 come into sight also come into view. if something comes into sight or view, you begin to be able to see it? We finally reached the top of the hill, and the town came into view. 4 come into it: to be an important part activity, event, or process?/Don »t think any good has come out of this war at all. 2 come out of sth: to stop being in a particular situation or state, especially a bad one? Various signs suggest that the economy may be coming out of recession. 2 come out of sth well / badly etc: to give someone a good or bad idea about you because of the way you have done or dealt with something? I «ve just read a book about him. He doesn »t come out of it very well. Come out with-come out with sth: to say something, especially something wrong, stupid, or annoying? When I asked for his opinion, he came out with a long list of criticisms. Come over - 1come over: to visit you at your house? Why don «t you come over t...

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