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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Засоби вираження предположительности в англійській і німецькій мовах

Реферат Засоби вираження предположительности в англійській і німецькій мовах

al about it (65, c. 109). may be watched all the way (65, c. 65). might be a little goofy (65, c. 75). looks like an amateur job, but if course it might be meant to look like an amateur job (65, c. 86). be nothing at all (65, c. 126).

Will you have some coffee? I asked. It might make you human (65, c. 210). Might be any place (65, c. 275). Might know Sonderborg and might not (65, c. 277). thought for a moment. He might. He probably has (65, c. 277). Might buy you something (65, c. 283).

Hell, there is a dozen grapevines that might help him to do that, pal (65, c. 301)

У романі також зустрічається кілька випадків вживання дієслова may-might c Perfect Infinitive.

You say that was your idea, but he may have been hoping you would suggest it, and if you didn t suggest it, he would have had the idea himself.didn t tell Marriott you had a gun, but he may have seen the bulge under your arm or at least suspected you have a gun.she may have known (65, c. 311). it may not have been very much money and he may have gone trough it pretty fast (65, c. 146). was octagonal, draped in black velvet from floor to ceiling, with a high remote black ceiling that may have been of velvet too (65, c. 161). or two of them might have had red hair (65, c. 35). might have been thirty-five or sixty-five (65, c. 162 ). thought his pearl was a little too large, but that might have been jealousy
(65, c. 288). might have been a slammed door (65, c. 14). I thought I might have heard the swish of a sap (65, c. 68). might have had - once (65, c. 75). might just as well have been a bunch of bananas, I looked at them (65, c. 182). but a cigarette butt that anybody might have smoked (65, c. 303). Зустрічається лише одне речення, де модальне дієслово may-might вживається з Continuous Infinitive.

His other hand held a brush poised in the air, as if he might be going to do a little work after a while, if somebody made a down payment (65, c. 44) .

Поряд з дієсловом may-might також часто вживається модальне дієслово will-would. Також як і дієслово may-might, дієслово will-would найчастіше вживається з Indefinite Infinitive.

He would always need a shave (65, c. 4).

And I wouldn `t have the case no more neither, Nulty sneered (65, c. 20). wouldn` t know her ? (65, c. 31). Would see a dozen faces like it on a city block in the noon hour (65, c. 37). Don `t forget he` s looking for her and he `sa man who would bear down (65, c. 42). Moose would be likely to go by there, of course (65, c. 48). would be afraid the law might be wise to Mrs.Florian (65, c. 48). in a dark room with a good night glass you can see a lot more details then you would think possible (65, c. 68)., what I mean is, that would be 10.15, say (65, c. 70). would be a lad who would have a lot of lady friends (65, c. 79). would make me suspect Marriott of having socked me - other things being equal (65, c. 88). should think you would want somebody to answer the phone ...

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