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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

his evening and we» ll talk about it then? 1 come over sb: if a feeling or a change comes over you, you experience it? She knew he was watching her, and a feeling of panic came over her. what has come over sb? (= Used when you are surprised because someone has suddenly started behaving in strange way)?/Don «t know what» s come over him-he actually said hello to me this morning! 3come over: to seem to be a particular type of person or thing, or to have particular qualities. As? Mrs Robins came over as a cold strict woman. 4come over: to be dearly expressed and easy to notice or understand? The same message is coming over again and again: we are slowly destroying the planet.

5 come over: to leave a group, team, or organization and join one that is: competing against it. + From? Patrice Tardif was one of the three players who came over from the Blues.

Come round - come through: if something comes through, it reaches you and you receive it?/Was in Boston when the news came through. ? Hank «s divorce came through sooner than he had expected. 1come through sth: to succeed in getting to the end of a dangerous or difficult situation? amazingly, our house came through the storm without much damage. 1 come through: to provide something that someone needs or has asked for. with? The US came through with $ billion in aid.to 1come to sth: to reach a particular state or situation - used especially in the following phrases: come to an end (= finish)? My stay in San Francisco was coming to an end. come to an agreement (= agree about something)? It was several months before we eventually came to an agreement, it comes to the point where (= used to say that you have reached a particular situation)? It came to the point where we could no longer bear to talk to each other. 2come to a decision also come to a conclusion etc: to make a decision about something? All the candidates for the sales job were good, and it took us a long time to come to a decision. 2 when it comes to sth: used to introduce the subject that you are going to talk about or deal with? When it comes to relationships, everyone makes mistakes. ? The government has had little success when it comes to education. 4 Come to power: to officially start to rule a country? The Communists came to power in China in 1949. 5 come to nothing a/50 not come to anything: to develop or not develop into something successful, it was obvious that their efforts would come to nothing. 5come to sth: to start to talk about something or deal with it? There are reasons for our decision, which I »ll come to later. 5come to sth: to add up to a particular total? At the end of the evening the bill came to? 50. 6 come to sb: if a thought or idea comes to you, you think of it? I «ve forgotten the name of the restaurant-it» ll come to me in a minute. 7come to: to become conscious again after an accident or operation? When I came to, I was lying in a hospital bed.

Come together - 1 come together: to join together with other people, in order to do something. to do sth? Several local groups had come together to form the new party. 1 be coming together: if something is coming together, it is finally starting to be successful? Linda was just beginning to feel that her life was coming togetherunder - 1 come under attack / criticism etc: to be attacked, criticized etc? 0/7 tankers and trucks came under air attack o...

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