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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

alin energy». Організувати зустріч можна через Британський центр, або зв'язатися з компанією безпосередньо. Учні можуть задавати питання, уточнювати питання, що викликали труднощі. Учитель також бере участь, переводячи учням незнайомі і найбільш складні слова.

Після лекції можна провести обговорення проблемних питання: вплив розвитку нафтопромислу на екологію острова, значення виявлення покладів нафти для економічного стану Сахаліну і т.п.

Основною метою круглого столу є перевірка рівня засвоєння учнями матеріалу вивченого на уроці, а також виявлення точки зору учнів з даної теми.

Додаток № 8

Система занять для елективного курсу «Around Sakhalin island».

Тема № 2: проект Сахалін - II. Завод з виробництва зрідженого газу (ЗПГ)

Мета: Розвиток комунікативних і когнітивних компетенцій, вивчення нового матеріалу по темі «проект Сахалін - II. Завод з виробництва зрідженого газу (ЗПГ) »

Завдання: 1) Відвідування заводу СПГ з англо-гідом

) Інтерв'ювання одного із співробітників заводу.

) Перегляд фільму «Острів Сахалін» іноземною мовою

Приблизний текст екскурсії: 18, 2009 took place a historic event-the opening of Russia s first plant to produce liquefied natural gas, which got the name project Sakhalin - 2 - is the world s largest integrated oil and gas producing project. And this is a unique innovative technologies used in difficult climatic conditions of the remote region. In addition, it is Russia s first offshore development project and project financing in the production sharing agreement. The project started in 1994.operator of the project is specifically created company, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd raquo ;. Two deposits of the Sakhalin shelf oil-Piltun-Astokhskoye and Lunskoye gas, located 15 km off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin are developed with it help. Shareholders, including also an international consortium of Royal Datch Shell plc - one of the recognized leaders in the field of liquefied (LNG), the largest Japanese corporations Mitsui and Mitsubishi, have accumulated the necessary technology, expertise and experience. Laquo; is a system of six major high-tech projects. It is the creation of offshore platforms, onshore processing facility, marine and land pipeline, LNG plant and oil export terminal. Construction works under the project were conducted in nine of the 18 districts of Sakhalin Region. At the peak of construction in the project were involved in more than 25 thousand people from 36 countries worldwide.is a new milestone in the Russian oil industry. The LNG plant serves for receiving, preparing, processing and liquefaction of natural gas. Its production lines will produce 9.6 million tones of LNG per year. Natural gas is cooled to a temperature of - 160S and transferred to a liquid state, with a decrease of more than 600 times, which enables the transport of LNG in special tankers to LNG regasification terminals sector bidders. After the liquefaction of natural gas it is supplied for storage in two tanks with capacity of 100 thousand cubic meters. LNG is stored in tanks until the arrival of gas tankers. The tanks are double-walled construction height of 37m and a diameter of 67m.Posle approach starts LNG tanker through a dedicated berth. The length of the berth for LNG - 805 m, it is equipped with four arms, two of which - the shipping, one dual-purpose, and one for withdrawing stripper gas. Jetty can take tankers, gas carriers with a capacity of 18 thousand cubic meters to 145 thousand cubic meters. Loading will take from 6 to 16 hours, depending on the tonnage of the vessel. Manage all operations for loading LNG is from a control center, automated system which ensures a stable and safe operation of the pier.Main place of extraction of gas for the project Sakhalin - 2 is Lunskoye field, where the ice-resistant platform installed gravity" Lun-A (LUN-A) is situated. Gas production on it began in January 2009 each platform are operational centers of production management and well construction. Work of the entire integrated system of production in real time using high-speed satellite channels and optical communications transmitted to the center of production management, which is in the company s headquarters in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Maintenance is carried out drilling exploration team divisions and departments of design and construction of wells.with the raw materials to the platform the sand is removed using a special device separator. Further, he utilized the most environmentally acceptable way is pumped back into the reservoir through injection wells drilling waste. purified gas is sent from the sand on the beach through the offshore and onshore pipelines that lead to the On...

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