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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

stify"> Побудова тексту (логічність, структурованість побудови твори);

Виразність мовних засобів;

Граматична коректність.

Додаток № 10

Система занять для елективного курсу «Around Sakhalin island».

Розділ № 3 «Основні туристичні маршрути Сахаліну»

Тема № 1: Південно - Сахалінськ - столиця рідного краю.

Мета: Розвиток уміння сприйняття іноземної мови на слух на прикладі теми «Південно - Сахалінськ - столиця рідного краю»

Завдання: 1) участь у екскурсії по місту під керівництвом англо-мовця гіда.

Форма проведення: автобусна екскурсія по місту з англо-гідом.

Приблизний текст екскурсії: .we are passing the building of Regional Drama Theatre. AP Chekhov. The theater building was constructed in 1946. theater received its present name in тисяча дев'ятсот дев'яносто дві (before that, he was named Regional Drama Theatre) .theater building retains the appearance, which was in Soviet times. But significant changes were made inside of the building: was improved speaker system mounted circular rotating stage that allows to put a technically complex productions. adjacent to the theater area was changed: there appeared elements of landscape design, thanks to which the flowers, walkway, trees and lawns look like an architectural whole.date, Chekhov - center - is a popular place for most of the people of Sakhalin. Every year all sorts of theatrical corpses from the mainland as well as from abroad come here to perform.down the avenue on the right side, we can see the magnificent (on a scale of Sakhalin) Building of the Russian president administration in the Far Eastern federal district. The building was constructed and commissioned in 1964. Major repairs and restoration were completed in 2009.on, and our first stop is Lenin Square which is the geographical and cultural center.the center of the square stands a monument to VI Lenin established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his birth, and open on Nov. 6, 1970.penalty sculpture of Lenin is made in bronze and mounted on a square pedestal of a monolithic reinforced concrete, faced with red granite blocks. Monument included in the unified state register of historic and cultural heritage and is under state protection This monument is the largest in Sakhalin, and only slightly inferior in size to the monument located in Moscow. Across the road is the Regional Duma wich was built during the Soviet era, and how you see the look of bronze leader directed specifically at this building that is not accidental, it is a symbol of constant surveillance by higher authorities, the symbol of the fact that the law does not sleep and are constantly watching what is happening here.

In 2009, the park on Lenin Square was reconstructed and this year, as you can see they finished the fountain, the one on Sakhalin with night illumination, several water channels lined with marble and decorative bridges made of bronze, made by skilled craftsmen from the state order. The area acquired a new look and no one remembers its original shape. Every day a lot of people come here because this place is justly deserved to be considered one of the most beautiful in Yuzno-Sakhalinsk. In the center of the square stands a monument to the victims in the earthquake in Neftegorsk. This tragedy occurred more than 10 years ago, but still the population of our island remember those terrible events, and mourn the dead.up the Sakhalin Street, you meet interesting modern building owned by the company" ENL. This is one of the first on Sakhalin building, erected in the shortest possible time. Construction began in March 2006 and in February 2008, the building came into operation. building is equipped with means for automatic control over all life-support systems. There is a technical security system, which enables video surveillance of domestic premises and access to the building, and fire alarm system. Each office has several meeting rooms and all floors are equipped with the type of office studios that can accommodate over 100 employeesup the street we turn toward the city park of culture and rest.The opening of the park was held on 7 June in 1947. In 1 954 first and only in the Far East Children's Railway was built in the park From April +1968 the park was named after the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, in 1981 at the entrance to the park was established, his sculpture. This year in celebration of Youth Day at the park was laid a time capsule where children from different school put their letters, the capsule will be opened in 2050

In the park there is Lake Superior, tennis courts, a stadium, Space and all sorts of attractions, cafes and restaurants for an enjoyable pastime. the b...

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