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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

asis of the Upper Pond restored monuments of Japanese landscape architecture (cooker Pond Oji, dry bed and a monument to Lioness bridges through bifurcated channel p. Slingshot). in the Communist Prospect located famous architectural monument of the city - Sakhalin Regional Museum. It was built in +1937 for the governorship Karafuto museum, an architectural masterpiece designed by Yoshio Kayzuka. Style in which the building was constructed, called Nihon make a noise - The imperial crown. The flat roof has a viewing platform, as well as it mounted skylights for auxiliary lighting exhibition halls. In those early years when modern Yuzhno - Sakhalinsk was still called Tayohara, the museum was the residence of the Japanese Emperor. Lions guarding the entrance once stood on the house officers, but after liberation from Japanese occupiers in 1945 were transferred to the museum

Also at there is a collection guns of war at the territory of the museum. One of them is Japanese another one is Russian, Japanese cannon in size inferior to the Russian, but during the battle in 1905, the Japanese have made it clear that size does not matter. Sakhalin Island after the war came into the possession of Japan. 2 006 with the participation of Sahalingrazhdanproekta Museum was completely renovated and equipped with new equipment. Also from this time began an accomplishment of adjoining territory to the museum you can find decorative ponds and fountains, the incredible beauty of flowers and other plants. There was built fountain, as well as some historical scenery, where you can find antique Sakhalin dug of the first settlers, and of course the prison houses of convicts, in Soviet times, Sakhalin Island was considered the most horrible place in prison, the most dangerous criminals were sent here precisely to escape from the island was impossible, and the terrible living conditions did not allow many prisoners to survive until the end of the link. It should be noted that the Sakhalin Museum is the only remaining building of the Japanese, all the rest were destroyed. next stop is the Square of Glorye. Now we are coming to the Memorial where the eternal flame, and lists of all the dead soldiers who fought for their country. This is nameless soldier monument in honor of all who died from bullets and bombs, just above the memorial is" crying mother, in memory of all soldiers killed during the war in Chechnya. And the memory of the soldiers, Hero of the Soviet Union, immortalized erected in honor of their busts. Well, are coming to the Walk of Glory. Now on the top there is an abandoned mansion of Leonov. But there was a Japanese temple before. The gates were located At the bottom, but as I have said all Japanese buildings were destroyed, they were considered to be a deep scar on the face of Russia. You can still find remnants of the basement, and upstairs there is a table with a Japanese inscription Tayohara.

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Необхідно попередньо ознайомитися з текстом екскурсії, щоб адаптувати його для школярів даної вікової групи. Також при відборі екскурсовода необхідно звернути особливу увагу на його фонетичні та граматичні навички.

Додаток № 11

Система занять для елективного курсу «Around Sakhalin island».

Тема № 2:.

Мета: Формування когнітивних навичок на прикладі теми «Бухта Тиха - Кладу таємниць острова»

Завдання: 1) Участь в екскурсії в Бухту Тиху з англо-гідом.

) Формулювання питань з використанням отриманої інформації з досліджуваної теми.

Приблизний текст екскурсії: time: 2 hours and a half

: 00am - departure from Yuzhno - Sakhalinsk

: 30am - arrival at village Vzmorie. прибуття в п. Узбережжя. Visiting the Torii temple of Siraura dzinzdya.

11:30 am - arrival at Tihaya Bay.

Tihaya Bay - is located on the eastern coast of Sakhalin. On many maps it is not marked, but on hearing from experienced travelers. The sand is only on the coastal strip here. And all the rest is black cliffs and huge boulders that rolled once to the water s edge. They sintered volcanic rocks that protrude from the tight sandstone, large and small balls.is a rock-island with a flat top and a wide, stable base. He has a precise name - noticeably.can get close and climb - no. Therefore, the gulls have taken root here. Walk around on top among grass, which always shakes the wind, and crying hysterically.get out of the Tihaya Bay on the edge of the sea, you must first squeeze into the narrow slit in the rocks, and then some more time to wade in the water under the overhanging roof of the grotto. Waves at this location undercut rocks, and it se...

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