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Реферат Gender discourse in modern English and Russian belles-letters

though Russian fairy tales reveal certain influence of Western culture, they create their own reality, introducing native elements, characters, settings and plots.to children «s emotionality, fairy tales allow children to solve their inner conflicts in the ways depicted in the narration. Among the most famous fairy tale writers are Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm who combine ancient mythical traditions with their own cultural traditions in their tales. However, while the Brothers Grimm and Perrault worked with earlier folk tales, Anderson wrote novel fairy tales, conforming to a conventional literary form. In this regard, each fairy tale has a variety of versions that, despite their diversities, reflect common plots and motifs. Some of them are Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Three Little Pigs, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood and The Princess on the Pea . Overall, all these fairy tales were developed as the principal educational tool that adhered to serious censorship and implemented the desirable patterns of children »s behavior. In addition, fairy tales written by Andersen and the Brothers Grimm reflect some principles of Christian morality that were absent in folk tales and myths.

2.2 Comparative analyses of the tales in Kazakh, English and Russian languages ??

So, as we have already stated above, the following is the material for carrying out the comparative analyses: English Folktales: «The Pottle of Brains», «The Old Woman and her Pig», «The Farmer and the Cheeses »,« Jack Turnip »,« Lazy Jack »; М.Є. Салтиков-Щедрін «Недреманное око», «Дикий поміщик», «Баран Непомнящий», «Повість про те, як один мужик двох генералів прогодував»; «Красуня Кунка», «Три сини бідняка», «Чудесний сад» . (The full versions of the texts of the tales are available in Appendix 1, 2 and 3 accordingly to the languages ??appearance in the paragraph).

Content opening

We find it reasonable first to open up the content of the tales, so as to give a wholesome picture of the texts of the tales to the people evaluating the work. For the convenience the description is given in tables, as we consider that structured presentation of information enables quicker and better comprehension of the materials; also it is easy to find and grasp the necessary pieces of information while carrying out comparison of the tales.

1. English Folktales « The Pottle of Brains " [41, 20-25]

CharactersStory developmentLocationsMoraleMainMinorJack s, Mother Jack, HenwifeYong woman, cow, chickens, neighbors, doctor, priestJack, a young man existing on his Mother s account, until she is fed up with his idling. She sends him to a strange creature for a piece of advice on further living - for a pottle of brains, to Henwife. The Henwife agrees to help on condition that Jack solves the riddles. He goes to Henwife three times failing to find out the right answers to her riddles, until he meets a young woman, whom he marries and who helps him with the right answers at his fourth visit to Henwife.A house, the top of the green hill, hut.Jack was told to get a «a pottle of brains», but he never knew what it meant. Looking for a pottle of some thing...

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