, he lost the most precious person. In the end he himself gets no brain but in the person of his wife - embodiment of brains, wisdom with him but not still his own.
Table 2. English Folktales « The Old Woman and her Pig " [41, 48-49]
CharactersStory developmentLocationsMoraleMain Minor An Old Woman, Pig, dog, stick, water, ox, butcher, rope, rat, cat, cowOn a casual sixpence the old woman buys a pig, which did not want to go through the stile. For solving that, the old woman involved a dog, a stick, water, an ox, a butcher, a rope, a rat, a cat, a cow to help her in succession. They did help and she did get the pig home.An old cottage, marketTrying to solve a tiny problem, the old woman had evoked a big chain of actions and actors instead of doing it herself and at once. 3. English Folktales «The Farmer and the Cheeses» [41, 18-19]
CharactersStory developmentLocationsMoraleMain Minor FarmerPeople in the marketA farmer, cheese maker, on the way to the market stumbles and drops his goods. Instead of picking them up, he gets angry with them and lets them roll to the market on their own. Of course, coming to the market he finds no cheeses.Market, Nottingham, river Trent, hill, inn, Cheeses are cheeses, they can roll down as they are rounded. But! They are no thinking creatures! 4. English Folktales «Jack Turnip» [41, 26]
CharactersStory developmentLocationsMoraleMain Minor Jack Turnip-Jack falls on the ice and thinks how ice might make him fall and then continues his thoughts about who or what is stronger . He concludes that he is stronger, when at that triumphant moment he falls again on the ice.Winter laneHis wisdom is a fool s wisdom! 5. English Folktales «Lazy Jack» [41, 27-34]
CharactersStory developmentLocationsMoraleMain Minor King, queen, princess, Jack, Jack s mother, Servants, artists, messengersThe king and the Queen have a daughter, the Princess who never smiles or laughs. That s considered to be an illness as no one could make her laugh. At the same time there is Jack who never ever does anything but sit the fireplace. When his mother gets fed up, she sends him to a farmer to work as Jack was a quite strong lad he worked hard and every day as worked out more and more the grateful farmer paid him more and more until the payment counted a donkey. Silly Jack carries it on his shoulder making the whole town laugh. When the Princes see that, she bursts into laughter. So she gets cured and Jack marries her and his Mother did not have to do anything but sit by the fireplace.Village, palace, farm Though a rolling stone gathers no moss , but sometimes and very often - Fools have fortune
Table 6. Russian Folktales «Awake Eye» - «Недреманное око» [42]
CharactersStory developmentLocationsMoraleMain Minor Attorney, folk, AgaphyiaPolicemenA boy was with one eye awake and the other eye asleep was born. Eventually he becomes an attorney who sees nothing as all bribe-takers and law-breakers keep on the side where his eye is asleep - so the other veiled things are seen to the ey...