ncrease motivation of pupils only if a teacher knows how to use its recourses in accordance with plan of teaching., Urgency of our research, its theoretical significance and practical importance in the modern educational process contributed to solution of tasks, which we formulated in the beginning of our research.
. We gave description of some computer technologies which can be used during the process of teaching English. Also we made theoretical substantiation of method of projects and its psychological and pedagogical bases in the process of teaching foreign languages ??
. We worked out and tested the complex of lessons, using Microsoft Power Point. Also we analyzed our experience of the usage of this program during the process of teaching English. The object of our analysis was a project which included lessons on theme «What a wonderful world!», Which was held for 8-th form of school №23, Kostanay. Results of our research showed advantages of this technology over traditional methods of teaching English such as:
· cultural development of pupils;
· lessons become more interesting, and pass smoothly;
· there is no need to waste time on making illustrations, materials, schemes. All is given on the screen and it draws even more attention than just ordinary printed cards and tables. Besides, presentations are more esthetic and beautiful than just ordinary pictures, since not all teachers have a talent of artist;
· authority of a teacher rises when he uses modern technologies. It means that he keeps abreast of the times and this fact inspires respect of pupils.conclusion we can say that usage of computer technologies is very effective, it increases level of knowledge of material and also it rises motivation of pupils., We consider that we have reached the purpose of our research and proved our hypothesis in practice.project which was worked out by us and its didactic application in the form of presentation can be used by teachers for increasing the quality of teaching English; for working out other project with the usage of computer technologies; for assessing the quality of computer technology of education.
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